Going Public Eugenia has been SOLD!
I still have Cruise Control Vanessa available, please email me at pumpkinhillstudios@msn.com
She comes with box, accessories, outfit, NO Stand- which I cannot seem to find. Has only been displayed in the one sixth scale dollhouse, never undressed out of original outfit. Thinning out my herd and making way for more incoming dolls!!
$125 with free shipping in the USA! End of the week she goes up on Ebay.....
This blog shows the progress of my 1:6 scale dollhouse, Maison de la Royale and the various projects I work on with my dolls and dollhouse collection.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
FS: Selling some of my Fashion Royalty dolls....

I am selling two of my Fashion Royalty Club dolls because I have incoming dolls- (just got the last payment notice from Denver Doll for my Soulkid BJD- so excited!) so I need to make room.
Two up for sale come with Free shipping in the USA- so contact me at pumpkinhillstudios@msn.com if you have any questions. If they do not sell here or on the dolly boards, I will be listing them on Ebay- and shipping will not be free.
Cruise Control Vanessa: Comes with box, outfit, her jewelry, bag and sunglasses- everything but her stand, which I cannot find. Asking $125 for her with free ship in the usa.
SOLD-Going Public Eugenia - NUDE , Comes with box and stand, and free ship in the USA. -SOLD
Dolls are in good condition. CC Vanessa has never been undressed out of her outfit, only displayed in my playscale dollhouse. GP Eugenia has been undressed and used in a couple of dioramas.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Prototype Christmas cards photos done! Reluctant Debutant has arrived!

I have been working for the last month on ideas for my shop's custom Christmas cards I do with the dolls each year, and was just not coming up with any ideas at all. Last year was the first year before launching my business as a brick & mortar that I did the custom Christmas cards, and this year as our first year in business, I wanted to surpass last year. My hardest part, has been finding a tree in 1/6 scale that looked somewhat suitable! I finally found one that would fit in with Ricky Santa well, at the Family Dollar store for $3 with fiber optic lights- what I liked most of all was the tree base- it was a resin base made to look like Santa's gift bag with bow. Lights did not work on it, but it worked well in the dollhouse & for this picture.
Each year I do the Christmas card for my own enjoyment, as well as for the customers of King William Miniatures. I send them by mail to those who have ordered, or are on our newsletter mailing, and also include them with orders on our Ebay store Pumpkin Hill Studios http://tinyurl.com/yjvz65 as well. I try to include my favorite dolls, as well as the new dolls from the W club that I purchase, and any new silkstones also; sometimes new dolls just don't have the look or facial expressions I want for that particular scene.
Reluctant Debutante Poppy Parker arrived this week, along with the Wicked witch of the East- a ho-hum purchase, but couldn't spend alot from BBC as I had the BJD payment to make for my Soulkid on Layaway at Denver Doll Emporium. Still haven't de-boxed the witch- that is another diorama I haven't finished yet either.
Poppy looked so awesome- I had no idea the coat was faux fur!!! She was so perfect for Christmas! I remember this was how my aunt used to dress in the 60's with the quarter length gloves, and the bow in the hair. Remember Easter coats? I had one when I was about fifteen, that had belonged to my mother's sister (my aunt was elevent years older than me-) and was preserved and passed on to me when I grew into it- I loved that mustard yellow coat made of a chenille fabric, and lined- this Poppy reminded me of that oh so darling look from the 60's that is classic Hayley Mills/Annette Funicello. Alas, I had to grow up in the 70's hippy era when no one had style.lol.
I used a variety of dolls for this scene, and also our burgundy Bespaq wingchair- which is classic Santa. Santa's list is comprised of names of friends, family, and relatives in my life- my stepdaughter Amanda's name is at the top of Ricky Santa's list- this is the nice list. The scene is meant to represent Santa in the department store, with the lady nearby who gives you your 'gift' in a Christmas gown (Pillow Talk Poppy Parker in Barbie 1988 Christmas dress) with all of the children waiting in line to talk to Santa and tell him their list. Of course, the mothers and happy shoppers are standing nearby with presents and bags, watching the scene. Dolls inthe scene are Ricky Santa, Career girl 2009 Club doll Barbie, Grandma Barbie holding Sunshine Family baby Steven, Highland Fling silkstone dressed in a vintage outfit, Body Double Veronique dressed in one of the Moods collection 20's coat and hat, Reluctant Debutante Poppy Parker, and Agnes Von Weiss Concerto in M wearing Fashion Editor sheath and hat, and carrying Going Public Eugenia's purse. Kelly dolls are: 2008 Christmas Kelly dressed like Santa and the toy soldier, Kelly in Santa's lap is McDonald's Kelly from a giftset on Ebay; little doll in pink was Kelly sized and from Big Lots-a generic doll; and the other Kelly with long hair was another Ebay purchase.
Rails with drape were made from dollhouse fence/balstrade posts, painted with rub n buff florentine gold, and mounted on 1 inch squares of balsa, the trim was glued from post to post, one has an exit sign on it and the other has a sign Line starts here. Toys are a variety of Re-ment, and ornaments that are 1/6 scale size- including the Barbie dream house. Chair and french table are Bespaq and available in my shop or on our website, as is the oriental carpet.
Enjoy the pictures- and let me know if you would like to receive our Christmas card this year- send me an email through the blog!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
New doll arrival...

I have a new doll who has arrived, the Wicked Witch of the East from barbiecollector.com I used my $30 award to get her. For some reason I just wasn't attracted by some of the new dolls on the site- I guess because I am patiently waiting for my Reluctant Debutante Poppy Parker's arrival! and yes, she is finally on her way- yeah me! Hopefully she will be here by Monday or Tuesday. So here's a pic of the wicked witch of the east- I just opened her after her arrival earlier this week.
Hopefully I will have some pics of the Christmas decor going on in the dollhouse, I have been somewhat busy for the shop's Christmas decorating, which has taken up dolly time.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Early Christmas decorating; & discovering BJD's...

It has been fun yesterday; I found a Christmas tree with fiber optics at the Dollar General for $3...it was cute with a resin base that resembles a bag. Only disappointing thing about it was that the fiber optics do not work...oh well, it is perfect for the dollhouse parlor, scrapes the ceiling, and will look smashing once I finish getting lights on it (Target has these little battery powered lights; however, I haven't picked them up yet-) and some other decorations. I had purchased some golden ornaments that will match the gilt on the fireplace and the gilt crowns in my Viceroy l blue wingchair, which Francisco immediately sat down in. I also had some little resin santa bears and mrs. santa bear ornaments that went well on it also.At left is Learning to Cook Barbie sitting at the Rement table(trifle too small for these dolls, I was disappointed though I love the set) Luchia and Poppy are inspecting the tree.

Here is Perfectly Pink with Agnes, a closeup of the tree decorating. Forgive the darkness in these pics, they were done as an afterthought at the end of the day at the shop, (my 1:6 scale dollhouse resides at my shop, King William Miniatures.) The dollhouse is so big that my dear husband politely but firmly said I should display it at the shop and let others enjoy seeing it also!lol. It resides in one of our shop windows, and visitors enjoy seeing what I do with the different dolls and so forth. I am still working on the kitchen and the garage, which houses the Bratz remote control car at this moment.

What happened to Barbie & Ken wedding set? Well, they are temporarily enjoying cake and champagne in Skipper's bedroom, or what was Skipper's bedroom. I thought it a totally appropriate room (it has several shades of Barbie Pink going on in here...Ken so reminds me of my poor husband, Chris, who has had to get used to wearing pink polos and a great deal of pink being my favorite color down through the years...but hey, isn't that true love when a man will wear pink for you...and look good at the same time? Ken looks quite at home with this quiet moment with his bride....

Pillow Talk Poppy has made herself quite at home in the dollhouse; I took Summer Magic home with me with the good intentions of dressing her in tennis gear, but that soon fell to the wayside when I ran out of time with family life.lol. These dolls are so very adorable, the innocence in their face reminds me a bit of Sleepytime gal nearby. I love Jason Wu's dolls, buthave become extremely selective as some of these dolls look well, extremely unhappy or in the words of my teenage daughter, 'ticked off'. Daughter's theory is they are hungry, since they are so skinny. lol.
Thoughts on BJD'S.......
I have fell in love with asian ball jointed dolls (Otherwise referred to as 'BJD's') and currently have my first one on layaway at Denver Doll Emporium (http://www.denverdoll.com/ ). The doll I finally decided on was an MSD sized 43 cm Soulkid Katie A. and she is simply delightful looking from the pics...she will be coming with her faceup and wig and eyes. I can hardly wait to make the final payments...because I already have at least three more, of different sizes, I want, such as this DollZone Violetta-

these are the promo pics, she is a 58 cm SD sized doll, and I love the expression on her face. there is another called Clovera, which is equally dreamy. However, Violetta will have to wait until I bring home the Soulkid. I've already started planning Katie's wardrobe with Arcadia dolls, they make fantastic historic clothing with their current Circus collection from the Victorian era.
I also want to get what is referred to as a 'Tiny' a Puki Sugar or Puki Mary, they are so tiny they would fit in the dollhouses! And they are adorable to carry about for photo shoots in the purse.
I have begun to focus my doll collection more, and stop on building dollhouses formyself, as I have quite literally run out of room at home. The display room is currently being cleaned and repaired so I can have a wall that will hold my larger dolls such as the BJD's and the American Girl dolls with scenes, or rooms. I have been currently designing the shelf units and the sizes I need to accomadate my larger dolls, which will be showcased on this blog-
htt://pumpkinhillstudios.blogspot.com Since my garage studio was originally called 'Pumpkin Hill' (my dad called me 'pumpkin' because of my round cheeks as a little girl.) I thought it an appropriate name when sorting through items in the display room I found my old Tasha Tudor book, 'The Dolls' Christmas' where the very large dollhouse made for dolls that are quite tall, is called Pumpkin House. I suppose even Tasha Tudor knew there was something very magical about Pumpkins. My favorite pic of myself is the one in front of the Tasha Tudor dollhouse, located in Williamsburg, Va about 45 minutes away from my home. The Pumpkin Hill Blog has just been started, so not very much except the dolls in my collection right now, and some cute skits with a My Twinn doll. I fell in love with American Girl dolls also, and their props, so those are also on my list to acquire. I have already thought of and wrote out a storyline for the dolls, and they will be dressed in colonial dress -the first American Girl I wish to acquire is Felicity & her friend Elizabeth, since they are dressed in 18th century dress, like I will dress my BJD when she arrives. I want to have a room where they attend 'finishing' school, and the SD will be a lady of the French court. Right now the heavy work of repairing the window in the display room, and cleaning out the clutter is going to take a few months before I can begin on the shelving construction of the large dollhouse for the SD & MSD sized dolls. My inspiration was from the blog of Reddiker Woods on typepad, and her huge doll room/dollhouse was featured in Haute Doll past issue, and also Wendy Wylde's blog, www.mirandawandering.blogspot.com which is essential in cuteness. One of the problems of building in this large scale is space considerations, which will be paramount in the current room. I have already sorted through a ton of books, unused crafty items I gave to my friend Suanne who is building a thrift shop diorama for her Ellowyne dolls, and which is remarkable in its color and detailing; hopefully I can help with her photo ops and post some on PumpkinHill's blog. I am so hoping to be able to pay off my Soulkid by November, so she can be home in time for Christmas...crossing fingers here..lol
All for now, and I will post more pics coming soon!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Catching up on my blogging....

It has been a long time since I posted, and here it is October already! Much has not happened in the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse, except now it seems like it is time to decorate for Christmas....and here it is Halloween.
Since the dollhouse is displayed in all of its glory at the shop, (King William Miniatures & Collectibles, Suite B, 6114 Lakeside Ave, Richmond, Va ) I've decided to somewhat skip decorating for Halloween, and concentrate on Christmas decor. I am still waiting for my Reluctant Debutante Poppy Parker to arrive, so haven't ordered any more dolls. blah.
On a brighter note, I am planning the tree and the Christmas decor for this dollhouse so it will look really nice! Ricky Santa will be sitting in one of the wingchairs, and hopefully we will have some Kellies and Tommys eagerly sitting at his knee with their lists...and lots of toys to put under the tree. The garland for the fireplace I made last year will be used again (refer to tutorial on this blog) and I am still looking for the tree for the dollhouse.
Also currently working on deciding what our Christmas scene will be this year for the shop's Christmas card!
More later-Lisa
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Poppy Parker dolls have arrived!
They absolutely love their new home in Maison de la Royale! I cannot say enough about these adorable dolls! Great thanks to Jane at Maddie's Dolls in Canada! I am still waiting on Reluctant Debutante from Marl in Florida, she should be arriving in September.
Summer (red hair) and Patty (Pillow Talk) will reside in the villa here at my shop, King William Miniatures, so everyone can enjoy them!
More upcoming in the blog on new dolls- am hoping to add BJD's to my collection- but more on that later!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
More kitchen work accomplished...

I have accomplished much more on the kitchen today. One of my major problems was the floor, since the dimensions were weird, and this is a large room. 24 1/4 inches wide by 23 3/8 inches deep were the dimensions, so I went to Office max which had foamcore larger than 20 x30 , I think I purchased 40 x 60, which was large enough to create a base and cover it with the wood faux shelf paper I had used for the bedrooms and parlor.
I also finished the counter that will run on the right wall next to the garage- with the salesman's sample sink. I had the faucet on hand. Also added some Re-ment from my collection--- Luchia is having fun preparing her 'favorite' breakfast/brunch- sugary donuts, orange juice, coffee, whipped cream, and other items that aren't on a doll's diet!lol. I intend later to add the stove, fridge, and probably purchase that rement set of table and chairs. The toaster oven is a refridgerator magnet.... I wanted to do a July fourth diorama pic, but couldn't manage it. Finally also got the 9 volt battery for the bratz car....still wanting a remote control car for my girls that they can ride about in- only small dolls can ride in the bratz jag! More on the dollhouse later!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Work begun on the kitchen....

After posting my updates on Ken & Barbie bridal giftset arrival, I began work on the kitchen. I have long been collecting items to go into the small kitchen in the dollhouse, but have never figured out my color scheme, etc. The more I looked, I have come to realize I want an old world, country french look, with marble, tiles, etc. in the kitchen of the dollhouse. I began today working with a salesman sample sink I had scooped up on Ebay that was the correct size for 1:6 scale, and began making a long cabinet to hold the sink and also pots, pans, and to be a regular gourmet area to chop veggies, hold appliances, and cookware underneath. (making lots of room for Re-ment!) I have three rolls of the wood like contact shelf paper I used for the floors, so I decided to make the floors match the cabinets in the kitchen, which would be light colored, and to make the top of the counter a faux marble.
This was as far as I was able to get today-- I am hoping to have some time Monday to really spruce up that kitchen and garage area- and make it ready in the shop for all of the Barbie folks who will visit. Luchia is really enjoying the counter, I used the fashion royalty dolls to use as a guide for the dollhouse kitchen - I will probably get a Re-ment table for it with the chairs, and keep this room furnished fully- but the living room area, or parlor, I plan to change around quite a bit- also Skipper's room will be turned into a nursery from time to time, since I discovered my Happy Family dolls and also the Sears baby sitting set that came with a tiny baby for Barbie to babysit- I still have all of the pieces! lol. So rooms may change about a bit depending on the story line.
They arrived!

Well, the 50th reproduction Barbie & Ken wedding giftset arrived- just like I said it had! Hubby had not unpacked it, I am so glad!
I have extremely fond memories of playing with this set, the tuxedo and the wedding gown, which belonged to my aunt Gayle. My family is odd in that my mother is about 11 years older than my Aunt Gayle, my Aunt Gayle is 11 years older than I, and I am 11 years older than her daughter, my cousin Amy. What is even more odd is my grandfather is 11 years older than my grandmother....I guess 11 is a repeating number on that side of the family....lol. It made for lots of fun when I was 6 or 7 years old and Gayle would come home from school........chips, dip, and playing Barbies! I loved the late fifties and early 60's Barbies, they were much more elegant than mine- I had the ugly Malibu and hippy barbies, no style, no beautiful hats.... lol. I guess that is why I am still addicted to Silkstones!
Well, they arrived and I have taken some pictures. Their arrival has spurred me to start working on finishing items for the dollhouse scene- I am also working on their wedding cake, and a wedding cake for the Tonner/Gene dolls too. June has sparked a series of wedding projects- I'm also customizing a $2 80's barbie I found at the Goodwill store and dressing her as an elegant bride.....another bridal project in 1:6 scale.
Enjoy the pictures!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Agnes plans the wedding.....

From what I understand, my bridal pair have arrived via the post office today...I can hardly wait to get home to unwrap them, and bring them here to the shop at the dollhouse. Agnes has been feverishly planning the wedding with Marta (Fashion Royalty Body Double Veronique) and Penelope (Pretty in Pink Silkstone) while her Uncle Giles, (Sideshow Giles the Watcher, Buffy vampire slayer series) and his new fiancee, another watcher who is retired (Tweed Indeed Silkstone) watch sedately.
Today I created the drapes, and took some of those plastic chairs that comes with the round table in the Home series, and altered them a bit to be in keeping with my Bespaq Viceroy chairs, the drapes, etc. I had saved many pieces of the fabric from the Viceroy l &ll chairs, so I used this to make the drapes and recover those little side chairs. They make wonderful ballroom gilt chairs for against the wall for guests coming to the wedding to sit in. Here are some pics of how I made the valances - from foamcore, then covered them with the fabric. I used hot glue to put the valances together, make the pleats in the white chiffon drapes, and also to adhere the piece to the wall over those ghastly windows. I used gold leaf rub and buff- the only thing that gives a good coat to these cheapy plastic chairs. I will probably cover the table with white tablcloth for the wedding cake, wine glasses, etc. I am thinking of spending the extra money for the new skinny long barbie table, which I can also alter those chairs like this too. I need a really old action figure for the priest to marry them, I have some black cloth to create the vestments. The curtains are not that great, but after they are in place they make the room stand out- since the blue satin material carries over the wallpaper fluer-de-lis motif over it- and I like that- since I'm part French. I loved doing the pics for this scene today, it really looked like Agnes was having fun picking out the furnishings with the two decorators, and I have been itching to get in here and really create a good diorama scene for the dollhouse and its many inhabitants. I have decided to use this room for a variety of elegant scenes, etc. so it can be altered to fit my needs, such as a ballroom/party scene, comfy living parlor, office, boardroom, or even dining room. I am still working on the kitchen/dining room, but that may take a bit longer.Will post more when I get to the next step of the dolls dressed to attend the wedding of the year for the one sixth scale dollhouse!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Dolls getting married soon...
I have started planning the next or rather, first offical diorama scene/photo story for the dollhouse with the purchase of the reproduction 50's wedding gift set today from www.Barbiecollector.com .
I so remember playing with this set as a kid- it belonged to my aunt and her Barbie collection, the 60's Barbies were so much more stylish than the hippy barbies of the 70's. I have long wanted this set, but with so many new dolls, it was hard to decide. And my Jason Wu Poppy Parker dolls still havent' arrived yet....
Planning this scene I will probably use the drawing room with the chandelier. I'm thinking of purchasing the new long dining table and painting it white, and working on drapes with corded tiebacks for the drawing room/reception room of the wedding scene. I have recently begun to create wedding cakes in both 1:6 scale and 1:3 scale- I simply adore the Tonner Convention doll, 'I take thee, Matt...' and really wish I could afford her- I am working on a marvelous wedding cake for the Tonner size dolls. Larger scale foods are something I have recently become enarmored with creating, and a really over the top wedding cake for hte dollhouse would be great. Luchia will be a bridesmaid- that simple blue gown from the silkstone giftset will be awesome along with a beautiful bouquet.
The kitchen work has stopped- mainly because I really dread getting on my hands and knees to work on it. I have thought of just making it a dining room without a kitchen-- after all, Barbie doesn't really cook , does she? And neither do Agnes or Vanessa- they just order take out. lol So that is one alternative I have thought of for this room, make it a dining room of sorts.
No pics to show right now- but will b e posting some soon!
I so remember playing with this set as a kid- it belonged to my aunt and her Barbie collection, the 60's Barbies were so much more stylish than the hippy barbies of the 70's. I have long wanted this set, but with so many new dolls, it was hard to decide. And my Jason Wu Poppy Parker dolls still havent' arrived yet....
Planning this scene I will probably use the drawing room with the chandelier. I'm thinking of purchasing the new long dining table and painting it white, and working on drapes with corded tiebacks for the drawing room/reception room of the wedding scene. I have recently begun to create wedding cakes in both 1:6 scale and 1:3 scale- I simply adore the Tonner Convention doll, 'I take thee, Matt...' and really wish I could afford her- I am working on a marvelous wedding cake for the Tonner size dolls. Larger scale foods are something I have recently become enarmored with creating, and a really over the top wedding cake for hte dollhouse would be great. Luchia will be a bridesmaid- that simple blue gown from the silkstone giftset will be awesome along with a beautiful bouquet.
The kitchen work has stopped- mainly because I really dread getting on my hands and knees to work on it. I have thought of just making it a dining room without a kitchen-- after all, Barbie doesn't really cook , does she? And neither do Agnes or Vanessa- they just order take out. lol So that is one alternative I have thought of for this room, make it a dining room of sorts.
No pics to show right now- but will b e posting some soon!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1st Floor kitchen started!!!
I have just started the first floor room stripping....I have kept putting it off because I have to be on my knees to pull the carpet and floor moldings out. Yeah- I got it done today!
Also yesterday= Cruising Control Vanessa arrived in the mail! Now Luchia has a cool friend to go skateboarding with. (My Luchia is a very relaxed doll, and truth to tell wishes Jason would design some sneakers for her. For now, she will make due with Barbie's matching Tee and sneaks. lol.
I finally hung my Unicahome.com chandelier I bought, and may order another for the bedroom and maybe a black one for the kitchen. I want to do the kitchen modern, with a faux tiled floor, the whole works, that will probably take loads of work.
For now, enjoy the pics!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Two bedrooms done....

I have completed the two bedrooms, almost. Just a few more finishing touches, Skipper's bedroom is devoide of furniture- right now it contains overflow of the girls' suite. I am hoping , hoping I win the vintage Skipper bunk beds on Ebay I've been looking for- that is such a cute set! Yesterday my vintage 1965 brunette Skipper came in the mail that I won, she is in mint condition! I washed her dress she came in this morning, am not sure if it is an actual Skipper dress or a clone pak item. Today I hope to finish up some work on the parlor. As to the furniture, it is my own collection of hte white French Louis XV bedroom suite. The embroidered chair is no longer available, though I do sell it in my shop suitable for 22 in and larger dolls, with a mahogany/gilt finish. The pale pink pastel wingchair was designed by me, manufactured by Bespaq for my company, King William Miniatures www.kingwilliamminiatures.us and is a 1:6 scale piece. I made the bedding for the bed myself. The accessory pack,(dress form, blue dress on Luchia, shoes, shopping bag, shoe boxes, was a Silkstone accessory pack I purchased from Dan Lee of Wide Eyed girls on the Doll Divas forum. The Kellies were won on Ebay,and the miniature carpet is one of many I carry on my website and Ebay store. Enjoy the pics!
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