Haven't been doing too much lately with the dollhouse....other than finishing Kit's attic, that is when I last did anything, I have been so busy. The house is moved in to the display room and is on the dresser, where I can reach it easily. Today I started moving in the tinies, and seeing what furniture would go where. Most of the furniture is from Olde Shelby Cottage, which I sold to a customer as I didn't have room for the house at home. Some other items may have to go as well, since I do want to do another tiny shop for the dolls next to Minuette's sweet shop and also the 1:6 scale McDonald's diner for the diva dolls.
The tinies moved alot of items into the rooms that were finished- the windows haven't yet been put on this house, so right now I'm looking at placement

The tinies moved alot of items into the rooms that were finished- the windows haven't yet been put on this house, so right now I'm looking at placement
Minuette loved the shopping cart, just the thing for carrying the groceries and the mail home! Wren loved the regridgerator, (a Hallmark ornament that really lights up when you open the door) and Maizie loves sitting in the kitchen. April Mae was sitting on the steps and Dixie, well Dixie isn't happy because there is no place for her computer yet. The mini American Girl dolls have not yet moved in, (they spend alot of time in Skipper's bedroom diorama or the 1:6 scale Sindy kitchen) but once Kit's bedroom gets started, I imagine we will see more of them.
All for now- enjoy the pics!