It's raining men here at the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse! I arrived home from vacation, and found so many packages waiting me---dolls!
Prince William, er, the Duke of Cambridge incognito alert! Before I left, I won a nude Prince William
off of Ebay, he arrived before I got back. I had bid on the Princess Catherine, but lost. I am looking for a nude Princess Kate doll from this set, so if you wish to sell her with her ring and earrings on,
Email me as I am still looking for another Kate doll that can be re dressed.
Speaking of the royals, the other doll I bid on who has the facial features of Queen Elizabeth also showed up as well. She was a Doll World Scarlet O'Hara. Her hair is nice, but I need short curly hair and the eyes need to be painted blue. I am still figuring out if I can reroot her hair. She was only six bucks, so I guess it is worth it to get some saran hair and find out. My reasons for collecting these dolls is for a parade or walk about scene in Barbietown when the Queen visits with her grandchildren, and she is presented with the keys to the city, and everyone is standing behind the roped areas waiting to shake hands with the Prince, Princess and the Queen and give her flowers. I do not wish to undress my Kate who is still inher wedding gown, I would like to keep that set in their bridal attire untouched. So am on the lookout for a Kate doll from the Mattel set if someone is willing to sell her nude. I would also consider just buying the head if that is available as well...because I really wish to do a diorama in celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.

Quick picture and somewhat blurry. With glasses on and those thin lips, and strong eyebrows like the Queen has, and her eyes repainted and rerooted with grey/black hair, I think I can get a strong strong resemblance to the Queen, especially with the famous coat dress.
Another doll had also arrived- Rockmaster Romain Perrin from the W club- finally!
His shoes are incredibly detailed- with tiny zippers on the inside of the half boots!
I liked his suit, he also comes with necklace, ring, as well as gloved hands, but I can't really imagine
using them, they look kind of odd in my opinion.
I haven't had much doll time since coming back from Norfolk , Va. But hope to have more!