Regal Solstice Anja, my new Fashion Royalty W club doll, arrived about a month ago- in early April, but I waited until yesterday to debox her. She was still in the box when I attended last month's Va. Fashion doll club meeting for show and tell. This dress is so lovely, it reminds me of the photographer Cecil Beaton and the fashions back in the fifties with the elaborate embroidery on filmy, gauzey fabrics. Sheer perfection, so feminine. sigh...would love to dress this way, sorta timeless.
Haven't yet deboxed my Dressmaker Details fashion I won in the W club lottery, Starry Night. What???you say?? Dressmaker Details, W club dolls just sitting about in their boxes?? no deboxing???lol. Yes. My 1:6 scale dolly budget has been severely cut back. I am trying to decide which Barbie should come home soon, I'm thinking probably Jack Sparrow, as I kind of like the whole pirate thing. lol.

Yesterday I did loads of work on the house, getting pieces of wallpaper off, alot of scraping, and getting glitter glue off one or two of the steps as well. In this before picture you can see where I had to scrape it off the wall and one of the steps taking off finish. That's ok, because the floors will be done as well. I still marvel at how well my stepdad did the workmanship on this house. I came up with some ideas to add provenance, or history behind the house as well. My stepdaughter originally had a name plate over the door, which I pulled off and set aside. The windows and door have to be customized for this house. Above is a picture of the nameplace, and the date she received the house. I plan to put another one on the house, with ny name and the date of my nineth birthday as well, but will probably put both on different places in the house, as well as my own signature and maybe my dad's signature as well, since he built the house. The house is almost 30 years old, and has held up incredibly well.
All for now-