After posting my updates on Ken & Barbie bridal giftset arrival, I began work on the kitchen. I have long been collecting items to go into the small kitchen in the dollhouse, but have never figured out my color scheme, etc. The more I looked, I have come to realize I want an old world, country french look, with marble, tiles, etc. in the kitchen of the dollhouse. I began today working with a salesman sample sink I had scooped up on Ebay that was the correct size for 1:6 scale, and began making a long cabinet to hold the sink and also pots, pans, and to be a regular gourmet area to chop veggies, hold appliances, and cookware underneath. (making lots of room for Re-ment!) I have three rolls of the wood like contact shelf paper I used for the floors, so I decided to make the floors match the cabinets in the kitchen, which would be light colored, and to make the top of the counter a faux marble.
This was as far as I was able to get today-- I am hoping to have some time Monday to really spruce up that kitchen and garage area- and make it ready in the shop for all of the Barbie folks who will visit. Luchia is really enjoying the counter, I used the fashion royalty dolls to use as a guide for the dollhouse kitchen - I will probably get a Re-ment table for it with the chairs, and keep this room furnished fully- but the living room area, or parlor, I plan to change around quite a bit- also Skipper's room will be turned into a nursery from time to time, since I discovered my Happy Family dolls and also the Sears baby sitting set that came with a tiny baby for Barbie to babysit- I still have all of the pieces! lol. So rooms may change about a bit depending on the story line.