Penelope, Pretty In Pink, is the personal stylist to the W Club, and also to Agnes Von Weiss, who likes her style. Career Girl Barbara works in the administrative part, and moves the out of stock designer fashions & accessories on Ebay with her co-hort, Luchia. Market Day works for Penelope, who sends her out to pick up the designer duds for the W Club models. Highland Fling (Maeve) is a talented model who has trouble deciding what man she will date each week...and Plantation Belle is named Muffy, who is actually a debutante heiress who loves fashion and decided she wants her own fashion clothing company, and is learning the business from the 'ground up ' so to speak...but she's not really into working, that's what her best buddy Midge is for. Tweed Indeed is a colleague of Penelope's, and wishes she could be at the office instead of wasting time here at the luncheon, but networking is crucial.....so goes the saga of the Silkstone lifestyle in BarbieTown.....