Saturday, July 6, 2024

Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July! (belated post!)

I was busy on the holiday and managed to take some new photos of the Gene and Tonner girls that day in their holiday attire out front near our flag. This year we managed to plant our potage garden around the flag pole. This contains our bell and cayenne peppers, our Mr. Lincoln and White Floribunda roses, and our two different varieties of Marigolds, as well as our bachelor buttons/ cornflowers. A potage garden is a garden that contains both vegetables and flowers, in a decorative and useful / pleasing manner. My husband and I have been consulting French and English gardening books and the Flag pole garden was a small way to work on one of these small beds. 

But back to Fourth of July! More dolls enjoying the holidays!

Happy Fourth of July!


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