I have totally missed posting more updates in July and now we are into August.
My post now has to do with a new doll I have been wanting to purchase back for a long time, one I had to sell a few years ago. Ivy 'Vee for Tea' Jordan was a registration doll in 2008 that I had when I first came into the W Club , one of three registration dolls I purchased that year with my membership, I remember being SOOO excited when the dolls came in the mail. It is so long ago- 12 years now- that I cannot remember if it was 2 or 3 dolls I received that year. I would have to go back into my folder and look at those receipts.
I am slowly making an effort to buy back some of my dolls I had to sell, so now I am embarking on my next doll- which would be Careless Kisses. She was purchased in 2010 from the W club when they had a sale- and she was birthday gift to myself. For some reason I also sold her. One of the reasons may have been due to size- these dolls are 15-16 inches in height and I did not have anywhere suitable to display them. I want a Trent too, as well as a Gene, but I want to try and get my Careless Kisses back - I have a list of dolls that I want to buy back that I have deeply regretted selling. I have long loved Gene Marshall and the 40's and 50's era fashions- this is one reason why I love the Integrity line of East 59th line and the Victoire Roux dolls, they are far more stunning in my opinion, as well as the Katie Keene dolls.
I got her on ebay for a whopping $76.99 Plus shipping so she came in under $98 !! That is so under what I paid for her. No, she didn't have her hat, purse and most of her jewelry- no brooch, and only one earring in her ear, but she did have her hangtag, the seller included her box which was a nice surprise, and her stand, as well as a beautiful coat which feels like real fur on the collar and cuffs. The seller did not wrap the box very well or cushion the doll in her box, one small piece of bubble was haphazardly wrapped around the middle of the doll box, and no paper or cushioning was in the doll box, which allow her heel to come off during shipping. The doll box was allowed to bounce around in the bigger box, so I believe a little paper would have avoided damage to the shoes. Poor packing in my opinion, especially when I was charged $17 for shipping and they shipped Fedex, and the tape was coming loose, only two strips of tape was used to seal the box. I contacted the seller, the apologized, and made some suggestions, but I was pleased with the sale and was able to glue the heel on the shoe. I was annoyed that the seller did not disclose she had only one earring - that was not apparent in the auction. She did have her original gloves. So I can't complain.

Madra has offered Ivy , her friend, tea after her long journey, but Ivy is famished, and has asked for dinner. There was no suitable restuarants to eat in / or stop, and they drove for hours, dahling. Madra asks the staff to hurry along the dinner, they are already cooking, and clear the tea items and re-set the table for an early dinner.
Dinner is served but the staff is behind with the vegetable course, turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy, warm biscuits, coffee, and desert are all ready. Miss Jordan is famished and ready to eat. 'Madra it looks so good! It is so good to be home! I can't wait to tell you the gossip about Gene and Trent! Ivy exclaims'Oh you must tell me now! Is it true- did they have that scandalous kiss during their last scene in that latest movie??' Madra asks...
And the two catch up on the latest gossip of Tinseltown over dinner ....
I hope you enjoy the photos...Lisa