Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Happy Mardi Gras!

Happy Mardi Gras- Shrove Tuesday! I have some miniature 1:6 scale Mardi Gras "King Cakes" I have just made. 


Monday, March 3, 2025

Happy Hinamatsuri- The Girls' Day Festival

On the third day of the third month, in Japan, little girls celebrate the festival known as Hinamatsuri, or the Girls' day festival, also known as the Dolls' Festival. Steps are covered with red cloth, and very special ceremonial dolls are brought out of boxes, some of these dolls are handed down in families, generation after generation, to celebrate this special day. Boys have their own festival as well. 

Rumor Godden wrote two books on two little Japanese dolls- the first one was Miss Happiness  & Miss Flower. Below are my own 1:6 scale version of them, celebrating Hinamatsuri.


I hope you enjoyed the Hinamatsuri photos I have amassed over the years, I know I have enjoyed creating them. The books if you are interested, are by Rumor Godden and can be found on Amazon or ebay- Miss Happiness & Miss Flower and the sequel was Little Plum. 

Miss Happiness & Miss Flower tells how Nona, a lonely little girl befriends two Japanese dolls and there are even plans how to build a japanese dolls house and garden , and in the sequel, Little Plum, it explains about Hinamatsuri and how they recreate the Dolls' Festival in miniature. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

More 16 scale Cake creations!

I have been working on more 1:6 scale cakes, some of which are listed in my Ebay store Pumpkin Hill Studios   Click on the link and it will take you directly to my Doll Food category as I have been busy! I will be attempting to get these new cakes listed as soon as possible. 

I had created a larger cake with four roses, that is frosted, -

This morning, I have finished some lovely pink and yellow cakes.

There are two types of pink- dusty rose and pale pink, frosted on top with pink roses and leaves, each on a pink doily. The dusty rose cakes are on a matching darker rose doily. The pale pink rose cakes are on paler pink doilies. 

The two yellow cakes with yellow roses and leaves I thought turned out really splendid - they look so ready for spring or a tea party. I think these will look really darling on a tea table or garden tea table. 
I attempted to do a different spin on my shamrock cakes. Not sure I am that pleased with them. 

I wanted to do a replica green fondant with a white shamrock cookie type on top, with white icing around the edges. Sort of like you would see in the supermarket cases. I might go back on these and jazz them up with sprinkles or white glitter. 
Enjoy! Hope to make more in other colors soon!