In sorting my collection I found a couple of older dolls that had belonged to my mother and I had put aside in my bins of dolls. Pulling them out because I remembered them and they would go in the theme of Valentine's day and I was feeling nostalgic, and on a Superstar Barbie kick, I fished them and was pleasantly surprised at how pretty they were.
One was Peaches N' Cream Barbie and she still had her original dress, stole and jewelry on and her hair was a little messy but generally still stock. The other I was sure was Crystal Barbie as I was positive at one time I had this doll as I have the dress somewhere in my huge stash of clothing. But when I looking on the various resources, Ebay, Instagram, google search, flicker, I was confronted with different Crystal Barbie photos. Some Crystal Barbies had straight hair or the topknot ponytail and the others had the sideswipe hair with the bundle of curls like mine. I finally found reference to this as to the two different manufactorers - the Phillipines and the Argentina toy plants who produced the dolls, there were minor differences in the hair on this doll. Mine it seems, came from Argentina. Her rubber band is disintegrating but I am leaving her hair as is. For now, I cannot find her dress or stole so I have re-dressed her in Best Buy #8622 for now. I have shown them both in front of my vintage Valentine's candy box to match their outfits.