I have accomplished much more on the kitchen today. One of my major problems was the floor, since the dimensions were weird, and this is a large room. 24 1/4 inches wide by 23 3/8 inches deep were the dimensions, so I went to Office max which had foamcore larger than 20 x30 , I think I purchased 40 x 60, which was large enough to create a base and cover it with the wood faux shelf paper I had used for the bedrooms and parlor.
I also finished the counter that will run on the right wall next to the garage- with the salesman's sample sink. I had the faucet on hand. Also added some Re-ment from my collection--- Luchia is having fun preparing her 'favorite' breakfast/brunch- sugary donuts, orange juice, coffee, whipped cream, and other items that aren't on a doll's diet!lol. I intend later to add the stove, fridge, and probably purchase that rement set of table and chairs. The toaster oven is a refridgerator magnet.... I wanted to do a July fourth diorama pic, but couldn't manage it. Finally also got the 9 volt battery for the bratz car....still wanting a remote control car for my girls that they can ride about in- only small dolls can ride in the bratz jag! More on the dollhouse later!