
Friday, February 16, 2018

Poppy-Planning the Big Event!

I have finally put together enough photos to pick up where I left off on the photostory of Poppy and Ryan's BIG DATE which happened on Valentine's day when he proposed.  
Alot of the photostories took place in 2013 archives. 

So if you want to play catch up here you go-
Preparations for the first date

A Phone Call to a Friend

Poppy and Ryan

Poppy Visits a Friend

When oppurtunity Knocks- part l

These should be the diorama archives, to catch up on the stories I did. I may change some of the dolls to the characters as they have been sold/moved on, but the characters, like Poppy's best friend, Cindy Sometime, have stayed the same. I have added some new characters, like Cindy's boyfriend, and Ryan's buddies, Butch, Bubba , Joe, Mike to the mix. And a whole bunch of friends for Ricky, Ryan's little brother.  I am working on re-vamping Ryan's sister Hannah too. 

It's Saturday. Poppy Parker is with her best friend, Cindy Sometime, at her apartment and has arranged to meet with a wedding event planner, Penelope Webster, of Webster Consulting Associates. Penelope, as a favor to Cindy, has agreed to meet Poppy and Cindy at Poppy's apartment for a more private pre-interview planning session on finding out what type of ceremony, reception and guest list Poppy and Ryan have in mind. 

Poppy, this is my friend, Penelope Webster I was telling you about of Webster Associates. Penelope, this is my friend Poppy Parker. 

Poppy : 'Thank you for coming, it's a pleasure.'
Penelope: 'Pleasure is all my mine, Miss Parker. '

The two shake hands warmly, to Cindy's delight. 
'Won't you sit down?' Poppy asks.
'Thank you,' Penelope replies.

Everyone sits down and gets comfortable, settling purses, and bags. 
'You have a beautiful apartment Miss Parker,' Penelope states, looking around at the eclectic travel vintage poster art on the walls.
'Thank you, but the decor is really all due to my fiance Ryan, he collects vintage travel art,' said Poppy
'Very colorful. Perhaps we could include some of this into the reception somehow. Maybe the favors?' Penelope says
Penelope begins to take her iPad out of her purse to begin the session.

'Now first, tell me about how you see your wedding- the ceremony to begin with. That is the 'bones' as I like to call it. Do you see it 'Formal' chapel length train, cathedral length, is your dress casual, short, etc. ?  The ceremony sets the tone for what the reception will be, and essentially, the cost. But overall, I have to ask before I begin - what is your budget?'
Poppy is pleased at how she goes right to the heart of the matter. She is used to people dancing around this issue, and appreciates a person blunt and to the point. 
'Well, we are on a fixed budget, but I have the budget worked out on a spreadsheet that I can give you, that is itemized, if that helps., what can be spent on each catagory, - food, tuxedo rental, flowers, church, gown, etc. ...--'

Penelope immediately breaks into a smile and interrupts, not letting her finish!
'MARVELOUS! Miss Parker, if you just knew how easy you just made my job, I could kiss the bride!' 
Penelope turns to Cindy and says-'You never told me this job would be this easy!'

Cindy: 'Poppers is really organized! You're looking at a number one organized whiz kid over here!'

Poppy: 'I think Cindy exaggerates, but yes I do love to organize. And I didn't want to waste your time. I believe in getting down to business.'
Penelope: 'So do I. If I have alot of information ahead of time, these meetings can be less about pulling it out of you, and more about getting the tiresome stuff out of the way. '

The meeting continues pleasantly, with Poppy giving Penelope her information and preferences, as well as the spreadsheet info. So far the dress and group wedding attire is still not picked out, nor are the wedding colors. 

Penelope: This has been a very eventful session. I want to thank you and now that I know what to start on, we can get dates, and the church and reception area locked in NOW.'
Poppy gulped. 'Now? Shouldn't I ask Ryan first?'
Penelope laughed. 'He's already done the hard part. You both have decided on a date, now it's my turn to make it happen. I have to track down the churches you have looked at and see if they have corresponding dates, if not, we will have to see if some closer dates will due for the two of you. OK?'
Poppy. 'Ok, I see.

Cindy: 'Poppers, don't forget the HUGE list of family you will have to send out invitations to as well. '

Penelope: 'One more thing- that reminds me. Do you want to have  a pre-family dinner for both sides of the families to get to know each other before the wedding? Apart from the rehearsal dinner of course. Rehearsal dinners are stressful enough without introducing family, especially if they are flying in from other parts of the US. '
Poppy: That might not be a bad idea. My mother and aunt would definitely want to arrange something I know. But I would have to check with Ryan- on his other family. His parents are dead, he only has his brother and sister, unless he has cousins he would like to invite.'
Penelope: 'Who are your parents and aunt, if you don't mind my asking?"
Poppy: My aunt is Baroness Von Weiss and my mother & Father are Dr. Peter and Patricia Parker .

For a moment, Penelope is struck dumb. Thoughts are racing through her mind at the clientele that will be coming to this young womans' wedding- she has hit the jackpot!  Wait until I tell....No, I won't tell them. I will keep this to myself. Imagine the money I will make off of this account??
Remembering Cindy is watching her facial expression, and keeping herself calm, Penelope composes herself, though secretly she is exploding with joy inside.
She stands up to end the interview.

Cindy, very observant, has noticed the change in Penelope's demeanor when she heard who Poppy's parents and aunt were. Cindy smirks. She knows her oppurtunistic friend all too well. 

'Miss Parker, thank you for your time, and I will be emailing you shortly with a synopsis and dates. I will also drop off a contract after I set up another date to meet with you and your fiance, so I can meet with him as well. I think it important to meet with you both. '
Poppy is taken back at how quickly Penelope switches from friendliness to business. 
'Of course. Ryan would like to meet you. ' Poppy decides to catch her off guard.
'Please send me your rates first. I need to see if they fit in with the budget plan I gave you on my spread sheet. You see, my parents and aunt are not paying for this, Ryan and I are. '

Penelope pauses, a long time, but does not flinch. The business contacts from attendees at this wedding are too good to pass up.
'Of course, I will email them to you this afternoon. My first consultation is always free. It was a pleasure meeting you. Cindy, great to see you!'
And with that, she leaves. 

An hour or two later, Poppy and Cindy are sitting on the sofa, hugging pillows and giggling.

Cindy: 'I almost laughed out loud when you told her hey, we're poor and it's just me and my broke fiance paying for this wedding so don't look at my rich-a$$ aunt and parents to soak! ' Cindy chortles...

Poppy: 'Well, I'm used to it. People would always jack the price up on items just because they knew who Mother was or my aunt was. It was really infuriating when you think about it. They were willing to pay. So when I was a kid, it wasn't unusual for Dad to send one of his colleagues in to buy something for him, or eventually we ordered alot of items online and had them delivered. My parents became very reclusive because of the price gouging of shops in town. So did my aunt, who traveled abroad alot. She said if you had to pay for it, at least they kissed your butt !' 
Cindy really starts laughing at this.
'I can just imagine your Aunt Agnes eating that up! Penelope doesn't know what she's in for!'
Poppy: 'Pillow fight!' and slings her pillow at Cindy-

Who also slings her pillow at Poppy-

---with more giggles and laughter that well as gossip.

Cindy: 'Well, this has been fun, but I gotta run. Butch is going to be wondering where I am.'
Poppy: 'Oh, don't go. You know darn good and well he's with Ryan and Bubba. '
Cindy: 'I know. But he was supposed to start getting out on the river and practicing for the tour circuit - with this ice cold weather it has set him back, ya know.'
Poppy: 'How has his fishing suffered? I know he had some problems with his boat?'
Cindy: 'Yeah...well try living with someone who is obsessed with bass fishing. Thank goodness I have my photography. He's adorable, I love him, but ick. Fish. He's good at it and it brings in the money. ' 
Poppy: Well Cindy you always could pick 'em. Remember the beach bum?" 

Cindy:'You said it! haven't thought of him since our college days! At least I learned how to surf! That has really helped me with Butch. He can't believe I know my way around the water like I do...'
Poppy: If only they'

Cindy: 'Well, it's been great Poppers. We'll go shopping for dresses soon. Do you want to get some of the other lucky bridesmaids together for a party?"
Poppy: 'Sure, why not? I think I already have an idea on the dress. It would be fun to just get all of us together for a little dinner." 
Cindy: 'Ok, see ya then. Bye.'
Poppy: 'Bye then."


Poppy Parker
(doll- Pillow Talk Poppy Parker Integrity Toys)

Daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Peter & Patricia Parker, well to do couple in Smallville. Niece to the wealthy and occasionally scandalous Baroness von Weiss. Very well connected to the upper echelons of Smallville society. Engaged to Ryan McDonald.

Cindy Sometime
(Sparkle GLOSS Poppy Parker Convention 2014 doll Integrity Toys)
Friend of Poppy Parker
Boyfriend- Butch Ellis, BASS tournament fisher and friend of Ryan McDonald
Self-employed photographer

Penelope Webster
(Barbie Basics Tea made to move doll)
owner of Webster Consulting Associates, an event planning business
Friend of Cindy Sometime & has been hired to plan Ryan and Poppy's wedding and reception. 


As characters are introduced, I will tack them on the stories so people can keep up. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day!

                     HAPPY  Valentine's Day!

I created this Valentine's day post with the intention of working on bringing back Ryan and Poppy and all of the gang with some new members. Right now Ryan and Poppy are relaxing in their living room with a French pastry Ryan has created and some champagne and are cuddling on the sofa. 


I created/made the crate sofa, pillows, and coffee table . I also made the pastry, and books on the table. The posters are clip art printies glued to cardboard and taped onto the wall behind the dolls. The lamp is one of those dollar store scent/votive things that I emptied of the scent and washed and cleaned, and voila!- instant lamp. The globe is a dollhouse miniature and the flowers were purchased from a Japanese artist I buy from at a show that comes here to Virginia every year, she makes cold porcelain flowers in all shapes and scales. The two pots of plants are from Michael's. the rug is a dollhouse miniature and so is the cat. 
Poppy- Pillow Talk Poppy Parker Fashion- Barbie fashion pak, shoes, Poppy Parker heels
Ryan- Hunger Games Peta Fashion- newest Ken fashion Pak

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Babysitters Inc. Kevin Has Arrived!

The elusive Kevin has arrived from my order on Ebay yesterday. I haven't yet de-boxed him. 

The seller was a fast shipper and boxed him carefully in a nice sturdy box. 
I was in Target and found the blonde Skipper for $9.99 after I had already placed an order for her at Toys R Us with shipping, but went ahead and purchased her so I have two of the blonde.  I might want to give one as a gift to someone in the Barbie club for Christmas, or a raffle doll, later in the year, or for a birthday gift for a friend. That's why it's so great to have a 'stash', lol. 

I think of all the dolls in this line, this one and Nikki are my favorites. As well as the Hispanic, she's quite adorable too with the beauty mark /mole on her lip. 
I just  hate  the Skipper with purple in hair. 

Here is a photo of the three of them deboxed with one of the Babies....

I have something special for tomorrow, for Valentine's Day, so stay tuned! 


Thursday, February 8, 2018

The Saga of on the Hunt for Barbie Babysitters Inc. Dolls...

After completing the purchase of the three Skipper dolls with the accessories, my local Walmart finally had two of the 'Singles' Skipper and Friends dolls. Today I was able to purchase a Nikki and a gasp! SKIPPER WITHOUT PURPLE in her hair. Or maybe it isn't a Skipper.  That's what I hate about Mattel. They do not give the dolls names, you have to guess or troll the websites and look at the titles on websites like Target, Walmart, Toys R US. 

So here is what I have so far. 

I was able to get the Kevin doll on Ebay from ordering HERE This was as reasonable a price as I could find. The stores in my area are not carrying him. 

I was able to order the blonde headed doll in the flowered dress from Toys R US for 9.99 I am sure she was available for pickup, but I went ahead and paid for 5.99 for shipping since I live about 30 miles away from the nearest Toys R Us. Cheaper than the Gas. 
The last doll , which seems to be Asian, is on Amazon or Ebay at escalated prices. I am hoping she will turn up at one of my local Targets or Walmarts. 

Nikki and Skipper are turning up in the single packs and playsets /accessories as are the babies. I have three of them. I just have not started deboxing my dolls and items as I do not want to lose any of the accessories. 

The babies , though they appear to be the same, are in some ways, different to me. It occurred to me that they would be a good project to 'repaint' and make more personable than the cartoonish faces that Mattel has put on them since their bodies are proportioned correctly, and someone could put mohair on them. That may be a rainy day project I may attempt. For 2.44 you can't beat the price. 

Someone should also repaint the skippers as well.These are all of the ones I currently have collected/purchased. 

The one in the doughnut shirt is my favorite as far as faces go. 

So far , this is my Babysitters Inc. collection with two more dolls ordered on the way.  I guess I have gone a little overboard on Skipper. 

I need to thank Phyllis from her blog A Day In the Life of My Dolls from her blog post on the Babysitters Inc dolls . Thanks so much Phyllis. Go read her blog it's great.  I am a HUGE skipper fan and did not know these dolls were going for so much on ebay and amazon as well as the baby sets- people you can buy them in walmart for 2.44!  But then again, I resorted to Ebay for Kevin. I think people are buying them up in my local walmart and selling them, LOL. 

I have also purchased today two clothing sets- one sparkle girls outfit and a Barbie set. 

I adore those little overall sets , I have another one from a few years back that my GLOSS poppy wears and this bathing suit/spa set I snapped right up. I know one of my newest poppy's or my oldest- Pillow Talk will adore wearing it.  Hopefully I can get my favorite dolls back into some stories. 

All for now- Lisa