
Friday, March 30, 2012

New custom Tattoo Love doll & other doll stuff...

Meet Rose, my newest custom doll. I had been wanting to do another doll with tattoos, since Buck (shown here) was done over a year ago. Shows how much creative dolly time I have if I haven't picked up my paintbrush in over a year and a half- I think Buck was done in 2010! 
Rose is a hybrid doll- I had purchased a Racquelle Fashionista for a body swap with my Mini Lisa who I am working on as well. (I gasped when I looked at my last blog entry- 7 days no dolly pics or entries! cute gasp!) Since racquelle's head was laying about- I figured I would create this doll since this was technically a holiday weekend. I also had bought the LIV doll in bikini from walmart when they went on sale for $6 bucks so I knew I had the perfect body to experiment with her tattoo/punk rock look.
The tattoes consist of roses, on a vine, with leaves that go from her back to the front of the breast. On her back she has LOVE written and a small heart dangling- the vine of roses & leaves goes up and onto her arm, cresting in a rose with 'ROSE' written & shaded with white acrylics. I may do more on her arm later- the rest of her tat goes to the front breast, and has a butterfly at the end of the vine near her breast. Since the LIV doll body has no 'formed' molded breast nipples, I mixed the paints and painted them on- it really makes the front of her tattoo snap! Her eye makeup I darkened with black and did her lips darker and fuller as well.  Her hair was done from a flocking tutorial and I left the front of the Fashionista hair which I then chopped, so it would hang at a edge in the front of her face. I used basic flocking I found in a bright pink at Michael's on sale...
I think she turned out really well. I also did another butterfly on her back calf of one of her legs, perfect girlfriend for Bucky there. She will really look great in Barbietown as I like 'real' looking people, not just model look alikes.
More going on in the One Sixth Scale dollhouse...
I bit the bullet and ordered from Cotswold Collectibles as I had been lusting over their Asia Scale Store chairs! One thing- shipping is high for this baby, understandable- it is made of resin and they come in a variety of colors and finishes. And they are only $19.99!!! I originially wanted the white with silver finish but got the gold with brown and am glad I did. I recommend them and will be ordering more from them. Be aware though- your order has to total $25 before they will process it. They only take credit cards or check cards, or check- no paypal. Don't worry- it is quite easy to spend OVER $25 at this site with 1:6 scale goodies!
Enough talk, onto the pics!
Of course my Anja fell in love with it...

Of course, Anja has a new dress as well- found on Ebay! Just in time for Easter. I am trying to get diorama items together for the dolls to have an Easter egg party in town with baskets, and the dolls wearing hats as well- just like the old fashioned Easter parade I used to attend as a kid after church on Easter sunday, so much fun to walk about in your Easter outfit.
I might have to settle just for the easter bunny /egg hunt part since making all those hats for all those dolls would be mind boggling...
MORE Diorama finds...
I was on my way to UPS & the post office today, and while driving saw a very large yard sale. Hubby was with me and wanted to stop on the way back, so we did. I kept calm when I saw the stuffies and toys and old Barbies but never expected to find this!

It is TWO count 'em TWO store counters that fit together and have a modern cash register with the digital readout- must be from the 1990's I estimate. $1 is all I paid for them. The clear window counter evidently had shelves but they are missing- these can be made with balsa. The stickers are adorable but I do not know yet how to repaint the items without harming the stickers. the display window has a crack in it. My first thought was to make it pristine- then I thought of grunging it up a bit would make such a GREAT donut counter since the stickers sell pretzels and coffee for .99 cents. This will probably go into the stash until I figure out a scene for it. I am so addicted to shops and diners and restuarants for the dolls love to eat junk food, lol..
That's all for now- had alot of catchup to do!

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