
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone- from the One Sixth Scale dollhouse!
Lots of fun was celebrated...Her Highness the Baroness got her Easter basket, and Easter tea was served. Evie (Spring IT Direct exclusive lottery doll) and Betty Draper also were present.  The kids were dressed for Easter and the Baroness was happy to receive them and give them their baskets of eggs.

Next Betty organized the Easter baskets and egg hunts for the kids in Barbietown.

Barbietown's Boutique was dressed up for Easter as well, Evie did some window shopping before heading to the mansion to help Betty with the Easter egg hunt.

Happy Easter !

1 comment:

  1. The AG dolls work pretty well with the Barbies. I will look to get a couple next year. Thanks.
