
Friday, March 23, 2012

Building Barbietown: Boutique finished!

Yes, the boutique storefront is finished! I worked on both today, in between packing orders and when I had a little 'down' time...

There are still some finishing touches I need to do, like finishing the edges of store window. The door was made of foamcore, and the lines in it were carved with my exacto knife- I used a miniwax stain and the same stain was used on the sign. This color stain meshes with the granite speckled foamcore for the storefront- I also used the same foamcore to make the walls of the shop window. The little topiary was made by me of things I had laying about- 2 styrofoam balls, a small dowel, terra cotta pot, and some landscape turf and glue. The sign is done in 3-d scrapbook stickers from Michael;s- I misjudged so used the little squiggle doos on the ends of the sign. For a fake storefront it is really looking like a town now! And walking suit just adores the new shop layout I did. I would like to decorate for Easter, maybe an Easter parade with the dolls in their hats walking their dogs, and the kid dolls with Easter baskets...I wanted to do the store front window in the blue dress I have from the silkstone gift set, but could not find it so used sleepytime gal's outfit. But I am really proud of this storefront, and am already thinking of how to expand the 'town', lol.
Please enjoy the pics!

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