
Friday, May 12, 2017

Faraway Forest King of the Crystal Caves has arrived!

He has finally arrived. After months of seeing only sneaks of his armour and boots on , I was beginning to wonder if this doll would ever make his grand entrance. After getting the chance to finally order him with the pacifist $30 off reward, which brought the $100 price tag down considerably, he was backordered to April 29th, then remarkably, without explanation, to May 5th. I was really getting frustrated when my shipping via FedEx said he would arrive originally on May 11th then all of a sudden without warning, it said it would be delivered on May 13th. But remarkably, today in the pouring rain, my poor mail carrier, delivered him today. 

I thought that his stock photos may be a little photo shopped, but I am over all really blown away by this doll. I was SEVERELY  disappointed with Water Sprite, the more I looked at her and attempted to photograph her, the more I looked at her the more she looked like a high-end Monster High doll. But this doll looks like the first doll in the series, the Elf or the Dark Queen. Yes his crown and sword and armour are plastic but I can live with that. His hair is beautiful and you can comb it. The clothing looks removeable, though I think it is sewn on but I think you can take the crown off it you remove the plastic things holding it on. 

I set up this backdrop with plants I had on hand and a throne room looking floor with a dark backdrop as I wanted to focus on his outfit and that crown thingy he has on his head and his sword. He is fully articulated. If you haven't ordered him- then you need to do so. The only thing some collectors might not like is one of his hands has a clenched grip. I love his pale skin tone with that platinum blonde hair. Gives him an etheral look with all the silver and blue. 

This doll is a gorgeous doll in the series! Can't wait to see what the next one they have in store for us!


  1. Mine arrived too! His armour is carefully removeable without breaking unlike the Wonder woman dolls. The clothing is one piece and sewed on, but I removed the stitching and if you put his armour back on, it is no biggy as it covers up the seam. My biggest disappointment with him is that his arms are black! Why Mattel, why! So if you plan on keeping him in his armour, this is not a problem. but if you want to redress him, his black arms are a huge disappointment -- of course you can dress him in long sleeves I guess.

  2. Thank you Phyllis for telling me that, I didn't know they painted his arms black!
    That is going to be a huge disappointment for those that redress this doll. I had Ro of Roville asking me if this doll's armour could come off, it never occurred to me as I never thought of taking off his costume. I have no intention of redressing this line of dolls. I suppose the only option available would be to buy him and redress him in long sleeves as a biker dude, or put his head on a japan homme body.
