
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Custom Doll Project finished....

I have been working on two custom dolls that are surprise gifts for two friends of mine for birthday presents. I started this project in February/ early March. I just finished both dolls the other day. It has been a learning process, since I have been slowly working on the custom doll process, and frankly , have been fascinated wtih it. 

Above is the two dolls finished, in their display boxes. 

The original doll was the Asian Barbie Basic City Shine that I started with, and I purchased two of these dolls. Though I am not a fan of the Model Muse body, it is the perfect body to create custom dolls and fashions for, a beautiful , lovely mannequin. I used her original shoes she came with as I wanted a streamlined look.  The fabric is a gold sari brocade that I hand- beaded with Czech glass beads in green, pale green, gold, and bronze to match the dress and I outlined the brocade's flower and leaf patterns. 

Each doll, though they look the same, is different. So each of my friends will not have a doll that is exactly the same, as you can see from these photos on the beading of the sheaths. 

The shoes, however, are embellished the same. I used Swarvorski crystals on their shoes, and these same crystals are on the dress, and on their jewelry. 

Working on this project was extremely satisfying, even looking for suitable doll display boxes for the dolls was as well. The hardest part was creating their jewelry- especially the necklaces! I am already at work sketching my next OOAK doll and have a duo on the future that is in depth I want to do. I sketch out what I want to do, but usually make changes if something make look better after I draft the pattern for the dress/outfit, etc. 

I am going to be meeting with my two friends for our birthday celebration and this will be my gift to each of them- our birthdays are in May. I am thinking of calling this doll Miss May Blossom.  The only thing I need to do now is get ribbon for the boxes and a decorative bag for each of the dolls to put them in and a card, then I am done. 

Enjoy! Hopefully I will more pics of future projects soon!Lisa

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