
Tuesday, March 26, 2024

1998 Happy Holidays Barbie

1998 Happy Holidays was purchased in the same bundle lot as   1999 Millineum Princess Barbie off of Mecari platform and she is so lovely. I think the 1990s were the last era of the fabulous detailing on the gowns, as this doll has an elegant black velvet gown with miniature silver detailing and tassels, a pink fuschia satin stole, and matching headpiece. Her gown is lined with tulle to stiffen the gown and hold it out, which many of the new dolls do not do, they just put tissue paper in there. Also, the box art on this doll was beautiful, silver and pink and I was able to save the photo on the back of the box for framing. I haven't decided yet if I am going to frame all of the back of the box photos for wall art or for a photo album. I am thinking of framing them for wall art for a Christmas corner of my future doll room with a Christmas tree nearby- pink of course,! to display the matching ornaments all year round with the dolls on display on shelves.  I am currently planning on moving the doll room to a bigger room and the christmas barbies will need their own shelves. 

I hope you have enjoyed these photos - 1991 Happy Holidays is on the way soon!


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