
Saturday, August 19, 2023

New Outfit for Gene- The Perfect Gift ensemble

I have been very busy and The Studio Commissary   message board recently celebrated their anniversary with contests, fun and one of the contests I won an outfit that was donated- an Ashton-Drake ensemble 'The Perfect Gift'. I treasure items of this nature because these are additions to my collection and also from friends and acquaintances on the doll message boards when I participate in the Christmas card exchanges as well. So many fun and creative people who do so many enchanting things with their doll collections. 

My Integrity Madra Lord saw this suit at once and claimed it as 'hers' and I thought of doing a set for Christmas with her shopping in it, it is so green and festive. 

Maybe next year when I have more space and time to build!

The hat , reticule/purse and corsage on this are just lovely. The suit fits like a glove and is lined. I adore the way the hat fits close to the head. The reticule is a drawstring type and has tassels on it. It has the old 1940's era of Ladies who Lunch. Enjoy!

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