
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Madame Alexander #1570 Vintage Bride...

Since this IS a blog called The One Sixth Scale Dollhouse, I have somewhat pushed the limits on posting dolls here that measure 16, 18, and over the top in other scales. But I wanted to share brides this month and I thought a large variety of scales would be pleasing to all collectors. And who doesn't find Madame Alexander dolls sweet?

I love Madame Alexander dolls. They were the 'first' dolls I was taught to 'keep nice' and put on my shelf in my room and 'collect' as a little girl. It was a HUGE treat to go to the dime store with my mother as a little girl and pay the extravagant price of $7 or $8.50 for a Wendy doll back in 1970-something when I was six or seven years old. And they had bent knees!! They came in the most beautiful boxes, blue, with a lid and pink tissue paper. You felt like it was a special occasion and this beautiful doll was looking up at you . I only got them on special occasions, Christmas, birthdays, holidays,- I remember getting Spain on Valentine's day and the blue ballerina on my birthday. I still have them to this day. I remember getting Scarlett O'Hara after watching the movie for Easter- in my Easter basket one year! This particular bride is similar to one I had that my aunt purchased for me when I was a tad older- about 7 or 8 years old and it came in a huge box under the Christmas tree. I still have the original doll but I think her dress got damaged. This doll is similar but her hair is more red/auburn. 


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