
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

W Club Lottery - Mystery Date Beach Date Poppy Parker Giftset

W Club Mystery Date Beach Date Poppy Parker Giftset finally arrived and I have took some photos of it and de-boxed it. I got Chip! Though after winning 3 of the 4 giftsets, I was in a way hoping for the 'Stud' so I could sell him off to salve the wounds of my aching wallet! lol. 

Beach Date is one I really wanted- though I wanted them all- especially ski set- because Beach date looked so much like Dream Teen- and I had to sell Dream Teen in a moment of needing to pay some medical bills for when my husband was ill. It killed me to do it as she was one of my very favorites. I wanted Ski Date as she looked so much like the original one of the three Poppys- Summer Magic- I had to sell her too, long ago, so might scoop her up if someone sells her but she is going for what the giftset goes for. I did win Formal Dance and Bowling date, so I am looking forward to them. 

I really love the accessories on these two! I had a radio just like this when I was about seven or eight years old. And I think my parents had a picnic bag like that too they used to go camping with. Very 1960's. Brings back alot of memories. Onto the photos!


Poppy and CHip in the box. The box comes with a 'Mystery door' that opens to reveal who the Mystery Date is. The graphics on the box are AMAZING. The drawer holding Poppy's accessories are the blue box at the bottom saying Poppy Parker loves Mystery Date. The stands are cleverly attached on the side of the box. 

And then, just one because my cat Fluffy loves dolls- especially Poppy!

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Madame Alexander #1570 Vintage Bride...

Since this IS a blog called The One Sixth Scale Dollhouse, I have somewhat pushed the limits on posting dolls here that measure 16, 18, and over the top in other scales. But I wanted to share brides this month and I thought a large variety of scales would be pleasing to all collectors. And who doesn't find Madame Alexander dolls sweet?

I love Madame Alexander dolls. They were the 'first' dolls I was taught to 'keep nice' and put on my shelf in my room and 'collect' as a little girl. It was a HUGE treat to go to the dime store with my mother as a little girl and pay the extravagant price of $7 or $8.50 for a Wendy doll back in 1970-something when I was six or seven years old. And they had bent knees!! They came in the most beautiful boxes, blue, with a lid and pink tissue paper. You felt like it was a special occasion and this beautiful doll was looking up at you . I only got them on special occasions, Christmas, birthdays, holidays,- I remember getting Spain on Valentine's day and the blue ballerina on my birthday. I still have them to this day. I remember getting Scarlett O'Hara after watching the movie for Easter- in my Easter basket one year! This particular bride is similar to one I had that my aunt purchased for me when I was a tad older- about 7 or 8 years old and it came in a huge box under the Christmas tree. I still have the original doll but I think her dress got damaged. This doll is similar but her hair is more red/auburn.