
Saturday, January 22, 2022

Vintage finds- Tuesday Taylor dolls

I haven't posted about these dolls as I have had them for quite some time and have just got around to cleaning and styling their hair. These Tuesday Taylor dolls were purchased in a huge lot about 3-4 years ago with vintage Barbies, Kens, even a Dusty doll and a large assortment of doll clothing that I could not resist. I found a wonderful vintage Steffie doll intact in this lot that I still have and have her original outfit. 

 These are Tuesday Taylors with the rotating scalp- you could switch her hair from blonde to brunette by turning the scalp and voila! now you have a blonde or brunette doll! She looks to be based on the face sculpt of Sharon Tate if I remember correctly and so is her little sister Dodi, and I did not know this, but Sharon Tate was a Coppertan kid for the suntan lotion commercials- the kid in the bikini with the dog grabbing her bikini bottom. That is who Dodi is based on, her younger self. Her boyfriend, Suntan Eric is based from a fellow actor in one her earlier movies. And this doll is hard to find and HUGE. 

These two outfits and their stands were in the lot and I have a few more outfits I am still researching. I want to add a Dodi doll - who is also a friend of the Tammy family or sometimes listed as a friend of Pepper, Tammy's little sister. Highly confusing when shopping on eBay. So the two doll families are intertwined in some ways. I get the feeling Tuesday was more hip and vogue and 1970's and Tammy was pre-1950's-1960's and they carried Dodi over to Tuesday and made her Tuesday's little sister.?? Just like Mattel used multiple fabrics in the characters' wardrobes. 

Thought you would enjoy this blast from the past. More to come soon!

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