
Monday, January 31, 2022

Va. Fashion Doll Club Meeting January 30, 2022

Our Va Fashion Doll Club Meeting kicked off on Sunday, January 30th with our raffle and then our Sears Exclusives presentation. It was alot of fun. 

 Here are the raffle items -

The raffle items were wonderful, I won't go into explaining them. The theme was All About Ken- since it was his 60th Birthday so you could do anything you wanted to with Ken. I did a grilling theme like I already went into a previous blog post here. 

I won a reflocked Ken who was a mirror of Picnic Barbie, done by Jodi. I was really happy with my raffle win. 

It included this vintage page of picnic Barbie framed and I can hardly wait to bring the repro version of her home, since I haven't yet purchased her yet and she will look so cute with this version of Ken. His shirt is made from fabric purchased by Bradley in Paris and his pants are vintage as well as his hat, which was a vintage Barbie hat reshaped to fit Ken. Jodi made his basket and his pole. 

Our Presentation was on Sears Exclusives from 1964 to the years of 1973 and the dolls that were representated: Barbie, Ken, Jaime, Francie, Skipper , Chris , Todd, and Stacie . There were 47 exclusives and Barbie had 18. 

Joe Blitman's book has the most comprehensive research on packaging and items included and why collectors have different sets of different items- why there is no identical set of exclusives and different fabrics, etc. So I recommend you invest in that book as well as Sarah Eames' book which my club President and other officers used. 

I hope you enjoyed the photos, 5-6 members contributed dolls and outfits for this presentation. 

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