
Sunday, November 7, 2021

Deboxing Rainbow High.. and Fluffy Fun..

I got around to de-boxing Ruby Anderson cheerleader. She is a wow factor doll. Rainbow High cheerleader. I can understand why this particular cheerleader doll has skyrocketed in price on line at Target, Walmart and Best Buy. 

 Her box art was wonderful and even came with a plastic carrying strap. These dolls must not come with a stand, as I looked the box over pretty carefully. 

Series three have already debuted. There is also a 24 inch doll, as well as a rock star set besides the cheer leader set of dolls. 

What I have come to appreciate about these dolls is the cross between the fashion/ diva/ aspect with the plastic/glass eyes they have and the articulation which gives them a weird BJD fashion doll quality. Their hands and wrists move and rotate. They also have an anime quality about them, but not too much of a cartoonish quality which I could not stand with the bratz dolls. 

The quality of the clothing and boxes, and accessories is really over the top. As well as the hair. 

I am over the moon. 

I was attempting to get some Christmas photos of Fluffy, I found her Santa hat but she just wasn't getting with the program. My husband enjoyed watching me attempt to put a hat on a cat and take her photo with Santa. Yes this is the one that does dance and sing! lol. 


1 comment:

  1. Congrats on getting the doll! I've seen the Rainbow High dolls in stores, and they look attractive, but I do not need another kind of doll. I'm still working on getting all of the dolls I have displayed.

    Some cats will pose nicely, and some will not. Our cat would probably be gone once Santa started singing and dancing.
