
Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!

                                               Merry Christmas!

I hope whatever the day has in store for you, you take the time to breathe in  and catch the magic of the day. Christmas comes but once a year, and sometimes we get caught up in the preparations more than enjoying the joy of the day- especially with the burden of preparing food, wrapping fits, making family plans, and the burdens of the day to day work week and the worries of the world. 

So stop...and enjoy. 

Enjoy the Now of the season. the day of Christmas. Eat the cookies and egg nog  for breakfast, or that slice of pie leftover last night from Christmas Eve dinner. Save a present to open tomorrow, because, like me , you just don't want Christmas to end. Celebrate the 12 days of Christmas- which begins TODAY- and ends January 6th!!! So you can keep Christmas going for that much longer, since it only seems to last for a short period of time. Keep that Christmas tree up as long as you want- because adult-ing is a drag, and sing those Christmas carols past the new year. Enjoy yourself. 

I wish all of you a very, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


  1. Your words are truly balm for the soul right now. We need to savor the peace and the joy of the moment and let Christmas work its magic.

    I hope you had a lovely day.

  2. It's nice to see someone sharing the actual meaning behind the phrase 'The 12 Days Of Christmas', since so many people in the U.S. don't seem to know that the Christmas season isn't technically over until Epiphany/Three Kings Day on January 6. Americans always seem to be in such a hurry to get the lights and other decorations taken down right after New Year's, and the neighbors look at you funny if you leave them up 'too long'.
    Anyway, I wish you and yours a very merry Christmas season.
    Signed, Treesa


  3. Dorothy in PA, I am glad I could help you in this stressful time. I find the story of the Nativity and Jesus' birth is one of the most beautiful and touching and its magic can be transferred to our hobby. Thank you for your wonderful comments. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year.

    Treesa, you are so correct. My parents did not take the tree until way after the New Year and they enjoyed Christmas as a long season, not to be rushed. Christmas , as well as Easter, were two very important holidays in our household. I do not understand the rush to take down the tree on the day of Christmas in some households, - if they feel that way- why do they even bother? I still have my tree up and will be leaving it up until next week. I enjoy it far too much. lol.
    I hope you have had a very Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
