
Monday, October 5, 2020

New Roombox Project

 I haven't posted in a while...September flew by! I have begun a new project and have been distracted with life (in general), dolls, my Ebay business, and a new project I am undertaking for my doll club. So have been very distracted. 

Our doll club has a raffle every year to defray expenses for the Christmas party excursion...and hopefully since the Covid-19 restrictions are being relaxed, we will be able to have a get-together by December. However, our raffle will be online. Usually each member chooses a 'theme' or holiday, or a season and creates an item or doll or items for members to buy tickets to to bid on. My theme is Thanksgiving and I am creating a roombox with that surrounding theme. 

So is my progress. 

So far, I have the roombox assembled and a first coat of paint primed on its interior and top. It will need sanding and more prime on it, before adding the other features and timbers for a medieval / cottage feel. Lots more work to do. 

I have been also working on the Thanksgiving foods and the Pilgrims too and their clothing- just one doll. Almost finished on the Pilgrim Ken. Will show photos as I get to a finishing point on him. 

Hopefully I will be finished with this project way before the November deadline. Enjoy the pics!


  1. Fun! I look forward to your progress pictures:@)

  2. Good luck with your project!

    Our doll club met on Zoom last month. It was the first "gathering" we have had since March. We had to postpone our luncheon and our annual doll show.

    I hope your raffle brings in the much needed funds.

  3. Love it so far! Looking forward to seeing more photographs.
