
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Looks-A-Plenty Poppy Parker Giftset REVIEW Part 1

Looks A Plenty Poppy Parker Giftset has arrived and I found some time late Saturday night to play and stage the pieces.  

The set comes with one full doll, fully dressed on one body, and two doll heads/busts. I will show you first what is in the giftset, and I also pre-ordered the body back when I pre-ordered the giftset. This set is very easy to assemble. 

It comes with one extra set of flat feet /legs and three extra sets of hands. Also three sets of jewelry, a purse for the doll in the evening gown, a soda pop bottle with a straw , and a black set of eyeglasses with rhinestones. 

One doll has red hair in an upswept bun, another has long blonde hair, and yet another has shocking blue hair in a blue ponytail. Their hair is gelled to make it set in these styles. 

I will just post photos now of the opening- 

The dolls in their  box, and out of their shipper. The extra bodies came in a seperate bag marked Poppy Parker 

                        Certificate of authenticity of the giftset

Accessories, jewelry, shoes,and purses. Also extra hands and the extra set of legs/flat feet 

Close ups of the body packs and the dolls assembled. I am sorry I did not take photos of the doll busts  and how they are assembled. The doll bust has a small hole where the torso part attaches to it. It is important you hear the link snap up into the  hole so the torso can turn at the bust. Each arm snaps into the socket. 
The blue doll's assembly was more difficult because of her outfit- the sweater has no snaps, openings, & is not stretchy so you had to  put the sweater on over the bust WITHOUT ARMS FIRST . Then take the hands off the arms and shove the arms up the arm sleeves of the sweater into the shoulder socket of the body pulling down the sweater at the shoulder so you could see without ripping it. 
Sound hard? Yeah it was. That doll will not be coming out of that sweater anytime soon.
Onto those pants..........those SKINTIGHT PANTS!
Take a pen, a skewer, and make sure that the pants - THAT ARE LINED and tend to bundle up at the feet, have the  holes which are very small, clear and free at the openings. You will haveto shove the pen or skewer when attempting to get Poppy's leg and feet into these pants. Be aware, you will think Poppy has gained weight but no it is these pants that are just SKINTIGHT . Once they are on, they are NOT COMING OFF... It took me about twenty minutes of patience fiddling with the fabric at the feet, patiently pulling it down and over each tiny foot, to get those pants on her. 
I won't even mention attempting to pull the hook and eye closure over her big fat Poppy wasp inch waist buttocks because her sweater covers it. I felt Like I had just pulled those pants on myself!  This doll isn't getting redressed!

Blonde Loungerie doll....easiest doll to dress. Put on the panties, hook her little negligee under her bosom, and slip on her heels, and you're done! Add her earrings, VOILA!  Take a rest, you have earned it. 

The  red haired evening  gown with polka dots-- in the photos I was not in love with this get up. After playing with her and looking at the train on it, and putting her jewelry on, I am. I put the big earrings on her, as I like them on her. They really make this dress. I have seen people put the earrings on the blue haired doll but this dress needs a big  piece of jewelry and those earrings match her bag. Her shoes  are lovely,but  they are difficult to keep on- you might want to use an elastic loop to keep them on. 

I will attempt to do some individual photo shoots with each doll and do a blog post on each one. My Only concern is re-dressing and undressing the blue doll. I know Integrity's point of view- these dolls are not meant to be displayed forever in their clothing- their bodies come apart more easily for play, but with the blue haired doll I am not going to be willingly undressing her out of that cute outfit anytime soon . My second problem is the black sweater  might stain her body if I leave it on too long without something underneath to protect her arms and torso. So I am torn between leaving her in this very cute and difficult outfit or re-dressing her in something else. It is extremely well made. 

Third- I am not a fan of these head/torso and body deals. I much prefer just putting heads on versus torsos, arms and such. In the last moods collection, we got 2 heads and one dressed doll and purchased two bodies. Very quick, very easy and easy to dress with the blonde doll and lavender haired doll. So I am not a fan of these many parts. I realize it is easier for the company, but it is hard on the hands and there are more headaches when attempting to dress the doll with the outfits made so freaking tight- it is more nerve wracking than it needs to be to dress a miniature doll. 

Hope you enjoyed the photos, a really great giftset, and if you have acquired it, alot of fun!


  1. Love the hair colours (and the general idea of this set), although those tight pants do sound like a pain. Thanks for sharing! :)
