
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Big Bang Theory Diorama

A long time ago, actually a couple of years ago, I started work  on a store diorama. It has yet to have the front door and windows finished. 

It originally was supposed to be a Harry Potter candy store. That soon changed with my Big Bang Theory characters. I thought, how neat would it be to create Stuart's comic book /action figure store. 

I had spray painted the interior this beautiful bright blue to acentuate the candies and cakes I planned to make for the previous store's theme, but I found it worked for all the miniatures I had collected for this genre. 

The tiny figures Sheldon and Amy are holding are the ones that come in those four or 8 packs in the toy sections at Walmart, and Target for $4-5 and are perfect for this. I have other items I am going to alter such as video games that need to have added height for this store. 

Here is the front of the store , still unfinished. It is made of foamboard 1/2 inch thick and 3/16inch thick 

The sides were a mess to do- I used brick tape and had to re-do it a few times and spray paint it over. I plan to do some touch ups to the sides of it, as well as a sidewalk and some other touches . 

Hope you enjoy this, I am hoping to get back on this sometime soon. 

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