
Friday, February 22, 2019

New Easter Cakes in 1:6 scale listed!

I have finally finished St. Patrick's Day cakes and cookies- they are listed! I have already sold 5 of them and more are listed in my Doll Food catagory of my ebay store Pumpkin Hill Studios .

These are the cakes altogether on the table, to show size comparisons with Barbie (Grandma Barbie) GI Joe, and Poppy Parker and SKipper. 

I have put the listing links here above, without pictures and if you wish, you can click on them to see the individual cakes- all are different. Each cake has at least one Easter egg cookie on top. 2 cakes have 2 Easter egg cookies on them, the other four cakes only have one cookie on top. There is only one yellow triple layer cake in this whole bunch- the rest are pink. 

I don't mind telling you these cakes took a while to make because of the cookies which took so long to decorate. I am currently working now on bunny cookies which are taking longer to make, with the extra details like eyes and whiskers. lol 


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