
Friday, December 7, 2018

Annabelle's correspondence..

I have not written very much lately. Annabelle received some lovely Christmas cards from her pen pal, Arlette that I wanted to share with you. 

The cards are sized for a 16 inch sized Huret or Jumeau doll, since Annabelle's pen pal is one of these elegant dolls. (Hopefully we will be having a very elegant Huret lady join our doll family soon, if her body can arrive. Her head is packed carefully away. ) 
I belong to a French Fashion doll group that recently moved its group away from Yahoo message groups onto IOS Message boards. It is located here- 
French Fashion Doll Sewing Group  but you would have to request to join.
Mostly the members own reproduction or antique french fashion dolls, of all sizes, from 12 inches to 25 inches and bigger. My Annabelle is 12 inches high which is 1:6 scale and a manageable scale. Huret dolls were originally meant to be child dolls, or pre-teen dolls or adolescents, and I have always always wanted one since researching them as a teenager myself and seeing them in the Encyclopedia of Dolls Clothes. 

But back to my little scene. There are some wonderful miniatures I recently acquired in this little scene. 

I found this miniature painting with another of a saint in the same size at the Goodwill, each was 1.25

This miniature painting has writing on the back and was signed! I am having a difficult time deciphering the writing on the back, but I think it is by a miniaturist. I cannot be more sure until I make out the writing. It was in a lot of miniatures, china teasets, and other items in a table lot I bid on.

The most intriguing miniature in the table lot, in box of items. A tiny daguerrotype photo of what appears to be a soldier from the Civil war era, which side I do not know. I decided he could be Annabelle's young beau. 

All the letters Annabelle has received from her doll friend pen pal, Arlette. 
Happy December! Lisa

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