Happy Birthday to Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author of the Little House on the Prairie books, her birthday is today! She would have been the ripe old age of 150 years old!
Shown above is my custom #55 Just Like You American Girl doll, meant to resemble or be my custom Laura Ingalls. She is celebrating her birthday with a chocolate cake, decorated wtih sunflowers. Probably a lot more decadent than anything the real Laura Ingalls had as a little girl on her birthday.
For more information on Laura Ingalls Wilder, visit Little House on the Prairie
website. It has tons of info on the TV show, Laura's story, the books, the history, and recipes and crafts from the time period and more.
I am sorry that I have not been active on my blogging, but have been sick with the respiratory flu bug for a couple of weeks now, and so has my husband. It began with a headache/earache then a sore throat and then a persistent cough and cold. Yesterday and today were the first days I could breathe without wheezing and felt really good. It really knocks the wind out of you. Ugh. I hate being sick. But, back to normal now.
Hopefully I will have some pictures of some dolls up soon, as new dolls have arrived and I haven't taken any photos yet! Been too sick...
Happy Birthday to Laura Ingalls!
Oh man. Being sick is no fun at all. I hope you start feeling better soon.