
Monday, October 3, 2016

Va Fashion Doll Club October meeting Part 1 Francie Presentation

I am going to break up this meeting into several blog posts because there are SO MANY photos. We combined two meetings/themes into one meeting because our next meeting is the Christmas tea being held at the Jefferson hotel in December which I probably will not be able to attend. So this meeting was packed with alot to see and do- Francie's 50th birthday- and Va's tailgating/sports , and also our raffle to defray the cost of the Christmas tea in December. 

So let's start with Francie's 50th Birthday presentation. As always, the ladies go way overboard. There were a total of 143 dolls, vintage and reproduction, and only a few rare dolls and outfits they could not get together from their combined collections of Janice, Debbie, & Jodie and other members? for this massive presentation you see. I will go over the raffle, and the sports presentations in later blog posts. 

Francie was presented as the guinea pig of Mattel to try out the fashions of Carneby street in the late 60's and the massive 'British Invasion' of the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. Francie was billed as Francie Fairchild, Barbie's British cousin who had moved from England back to the United States and that explained all of the interesting mod fashions. She was an instant hit and outsold Barbie in her first year. This is what decided the designers to make Barbie go with straight hairline and mod fashions from the bubble haircuts and updos of the fifties. 

The ladies also did a great presentation board of Francie through time

These were some of the magazines that included spreads on Francie. The most recent was Fashion doll magazine, the summer 2016 issue. It also had a wonderful article on Francie as well.

This was the Francie board containing photos of all the different Francies through the years, with her different hairstyles, and swimsuits. 

I took photos of this with my phone for your reference as my phone has a better camera. They included the really rare Francies too. 

That's all for now. Part 2 will be up tomorrow!

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