
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Review of Disney & Mattel Lady Tremaine dolls from Cinderalla movie...

Recently I ordered the Disney version of Lady Tremaine from the Disney website when they had deep discounted prices about a week or two ago, and I was finally able to receive her yesterday. 

Here she is side by side with Mattel's version of Lady Tremaine. 

The Disney box was a little less elaborate but had this cool pop out butterfly on the front that kind of lifts. You may want to keep this for some prop art in your dioramas for a shop window. She was also a little easier to get out of the box than the Mattel version. 

The Disney version of course, has that wonderful traveling Victorian/Edwardian gown where she steps out of the coach with Cinderalla's father and her two daughters. This gown has a deep black velveteen straight aline skirt underneath the emerald green overskirt, which is lined with tissue paper to keep it from staining the doll's legs. She also has plastic Victorian high heeled boots on trimmed in the same green. Her legs are straight and seem to be hollow like the Mattel version, but I think they might bend. Her underskirt is stuffed with tissue to make it puff out too. The hat is heavy resin/plastic with a comb but may have a little difficulty sticking into her hair but stays. 

The Disney doll's head is bigger than the Mattel version and is more pink/flesh toned than the Mattel version- though I have to admit the Mattel version seems more Cate Blanchett and true to life. But I do like both. I just hate those plastic gloves on the Mattel version.

Here are some photos of the Disney Lady Tremaine of her in the box-

With the discounts, I was able to purchase her for 9.99 plus shipping for 16.79 altogether from the Disney website.  I am not sure if she is still available. I purchased three or four of the Mattel Lady Tremaines as they were my favorites and I wanted to transplant a couple of them onto Fashion Royalty bodies and do a Queen Elizabeth l doll, from the Cate Blanchett movie  'Elizabeth'  which I have in my dvd collection. I have a book by Sir Roy Strong on Queen Elizabeth l's gowns and portraits and have been deciding which one I would like to replicate. I have the doll and body, just need to decide now which fabrics and how to do her hair, which is the hardest part, and jewelry findings, and so on. I also want to keep one in the box too, one out of the box for display/play in my ballroom scenes as I do like her as she is too. 

I also have the Fairy Godmother and Cinderalla. I have wanted to get multiples of these two dolls as well, for customs. Lily James I have wanted to do a Downtown Abbey doll in the 20's costume , and I have wanted to do a Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter too. I really love my fantasy dolls alot. 

The only fault I could find wrong with her is her head size, it is a little large, but that was it, and the body of course is not articulated. All in all the outfit is very nicely made. 
I hope in the future to get some reviews of Cinderalla and the Fairy Godmother up here soon. ~Lisa


  1. Nice review. I have the Mattel version and rebodied her on a Japan skin tone Poppy Parker spare body. It is not a perfect match, but it works. I prefer the faceup and head size on the Mattel version better than the Disney doll, but think they are both lovely!

  2. Phyllis, I prefer the Mattel version much better myself upon comparison. I think the skin tone is much truer to life with Cate Blanchette's real look. I have an older version of the FR body I am going to swap her out on in Japan skin tone that I got at the GLOSS convention, I have two of them. I am saving one for my Bellatrix custom, but I might use a Poppy body for her instead. A poppy body might work better for what I want to do with her...upon second thought.
