
Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Fun Four Get Together....

Today I got together with some dolly friends. One of them, sadly, is moving away and we all of us, wanted to have a day with lunch, some dolly time, before she moves away. Sandra collects different sized dolls and a wide variety like I do. She brought her 70 cm bjd who has not had his head & hands strung on yet. She also brought her w club 16 inch Hannah? I think she is called, in the evening gown. Marina came too,and brought seafood salad and pasta,  and we all met at Karon's house.Karon made burritos, tea, coffee and  I brought potato salad and cheese cake, we all brought dolls and candy of course. Because it would not be doll time without chocolate....

This doll is just so lovely. I am so tempted by the big girls of the W  club...

Sandra's big guy!  He's really awesome. Now that I have seen a 70 cm, I am not so intimidated by the size and just might have to give in. I have had my eye on one at Denver Doll, but not like hers. I really like the body on this one. 

We gave Karon a going away present, a sort of 'Bon-Voyage' present of a Bespaq 1:3 scale chair from my stash in stock I have left. She was pleased! I knew it would fit her new doll. 

Marina came a little late but with lots of goodies that we helped her debox like this dressmaker details. The Silkstone you see on the table actually wears wigs and she brought a TON of wigs that we also had fun putting on an extra Vivid Impact Agnes that Karon had shaved because she had intended to have her re-rooted but never got around to it. Instead, we had fun dressing this girl. The carrying case Marina got for free at the Barbie convention this year in Arlington. There she is at the table with all her swag around her. 
She also purchased a CI Ollie and wanted us to dress him...unfortunately, Sandra had brought some evening gowns and gave Ollie some alternative choices....

Fortunately, after the two mad evening gown ladies got through with Ollie, LOL! They decided that pink just wasn't his color, so we decided on another ensemble for him....

Very nice...Marina said she got the outfit at Arlington convention too. I think this is from 2 years ago Integrity convention, it doesn't look like Gloss convention.

The next photos are of Karon's dolls. She was able to snag a NRFB Agnes convention set. She showed us her Lana basic dolls dressed in the Josephine baker tuxedo set and one Lana doll she had purchased one ebay in the silk gown with the mink stole and jewelry! It is real mink, I loved that doll. The dress she doesn't know who made it. So very lovely, she joked Integrity stole her idea! The last doll is Vivid Impact Agnes from a convention who looks like 'Endora' or Agnes Moorehead. Marina has a thing for the actress and so Karon pulled out her doll to show her, as well as her scalped Vivid Impact so we could put wigs on her. I love this doll. 

I had brought my Out of this World Poppy and Reigning Grace Eugenia because not everyone had ordered her, so they could see her. 

And some more of Karon's dolls-

These are some of Karon's de-boxed dolls. She actually has TWO True Royalty dolls, one is in the box, one to play with!  She had to piece the 2nd one together from auctions, trades, etc. to get the outfits and each piece, including the doll. 

So we had a great time, and hopefully we will be able to get together with Sandra one more time before she moves. The best thing about our get togethers is we help each other with body swapping, or info on doll sites, or how to dye a doll dress, or how to create clay food, and that type of thing. We kind of help each other, and that is what makes it fun. 

Hope to get back to my gothic mansion soon, I have some work to do on the interior but it is slow going. 


  1. Sounds and looks like you all had a lot of fun! I wish I knew some doll people closer to me so that we could get together to play!

  2. I totally agree with Phyllis! I wish I had doll friends to share this hobby with. Maybe there really are people around, I just don't know of them yet. :) It looks like you had such a fun get together and I loved the photos. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a fun and sweet group you have there!

  4. Yes, we all belong to the Va. fashion doll club but we all collect 'other' dolls other than Barbie, specifically the Fashion Royalty dolls. Marina, Sandra and I collect Tonner, Sandra and I collect BJD's, and Sandra, Karon and I love fashion bjd's like Em'lia couture, or Numina, Sybarites, and the like all of us have at least one.

    Sandra is moving to Texas to a new home she is having built and we were having a Bon voyage type of party for her, but we hope to have one more get together before she moves away at the end of November. The Fashion doll club meetings are so 'organized' and we just get together to chat, snack a bit, and bring different dolls and help each other swap heads, or change clothing, or maybe I help them do a food tutorial on how to make something. It's VERY laid back what we do, our doll club is much more 'organized' so you don't have as much chatter per se.

    I would say your doll friends are probably hidden. Many grown adult people now feel ashamed to admit that they collect dolls and play with them and feel foolish or crazy. It is a sad thing in society today that an innocent hobby that is artistic and creative can be viewed this way that brings so much joy and happiness. One of our jokes is we spend more on the dolls' clothing than on ourselves! Sandra had spend almost eighty dollars on evening gowns for her girls from a seller on ebay and the gowns were stunning. We also pass around the latest sales on 'real' clothing at Target and walmart so we can save on dolly dollars, lol.
