
Monday, April 7, 2014

Va. Fashion doll club meeting- April's meeting

Yesterday I had set aside for attending my Va. Fashion Doll club meeting- and this one was great fun because we were doing an indepth Skipper presentation- this year is Skipper's 50th birthday! Our meeting was held at the club president's home and the presentation was quite indepth so our vice-president, Janice did a couple of online presentations with photos that we could go through and look at our leisure- since there is so much on Skipper out there. I am fortunate to belong to a club that has so many members who have astonishing vintage/mod collections on Barbie. One of our club members Laurie also did a small presentation on Shirley Temple and the memorabilia of the child star, such as dolls. 
Club members were to bring a Barbie & a Skipper in matching outfits, since we were mainly focusing on when Skipper came on the scene in 1964 and her matching outfits with Barbie. There are some wonderful photos of the different Skippers that were on display for the presentation so please browse through my Flicker albums- link is at the top of the picture slideshow. For now, I will post some photos here! Below are pics of the Barbie/Skipper displaysforthe presentation- a mixof vintage and modern dolls in the various matching outfits. This was a collaborative effort on the part of Debbie, our club president and Janice, our vice-president who worked on the online presentation for 2 months before the meeting as well as with their dolls and Jodie's collection. 

The Shirley Temple presentation was fairly small. One of the dolls is like the one my mother owned.
Our club get togethers last several hours- this one ran longer than 1 pm to 5 pm- I didn't get home until about 7 pm! Of course, it's not all about dolls- we also have food!

The food had a spring luncheon theme- we were all so very tired of winter! I contributed the Madeline cookies and strawberries. Stuffed tuna tomatoes, maccaroni salad, cupcakes, fruit salads, cookies, lavender lemonade, blueberry scones, delicious!

Throughout her home, our club president, Debbie, has an incredible Barbie collection. The silkstones are displayed in two or three cabinets throughout her house and she decorates with the dolls for all of the holidays! This time she had decorated for Easter and some of the displays I did not get to take pictures of- I missed taking pics of her doll room. The pics of the dollhouse, the Kelly bunny easter garden (those are real plants with the dolls having Easter tea!) are all in her office upstairs which is where we put sale items.

Above are some of our displays we brought. Usually there is a prize for the one voted the best, or 2nd best, etc. We were supposed to bring a Barbie and Skipper with matching outfits- we could do whatever we wished- make our own outfits or use those already out there. The displays were fabulous. I put together mine at the last minute- but some members went all out!
Overall it was a fun day- nothing but dolls dolls dolls! I have not yet purchased the blonde 50th anniversary skipper but plan to since prices have gone down. Enjoy the pictures!!


  1. Hello from Spain: big meeting. I love Skkiper. Nice pictures. I see that you enjoyed a lot. Keep in touch

  2. Hi Lisa, thanks for sharing, wow it was a Skipper full immersion! This was just a meeting and it looks like a museum display!!!
    I am AMAZED!
    but when I saw the patriotic barbie.....OMG you brought up such memories!

  3. Thank you Marta.Billa alot ofthese ladies are a tad older than I, my skippers were from 1970-onwards when Malibu Barbie, Ken, Pj were popular. I loved my Malibu Skipper as a kid because she was just my 'age' when I was playing with her.

    The presentation was also put into a slideshow format on our group facebook page so we could take in all of the eyecandy of vintage. I also saw alot of Skippers that I had wanted as a kid and my mom couldn't afford, like Dramatic living skipper and the one with the sausage curls- I loved her.

  4. Wow! I love reading about all the different dolls. I wish I could have seen the presentation your President and Vice President did! Can you make that available on youtube or something!
