
Friday, March 14, 2014

Wake up Momoko doll..& more goodies

I have given into the Momoko obsession....yes I caved for another doll line. Momoko is a Japanese line of dolls by Petworks or Seguchi?  I found a dealer in the USA called 
Fabric & Friends who fortunately are dealers on the East Coast and their shipping is low- sometimes on new dolls they give free shipping! Their website is easy to navigate and the doll was packed really well. They also sell Integrity as well as BJD's, collectibles, every doll you can think of. Not so much Barbie but those you can buy most anywhere.
I especially liked her box. Unlike most doll collectors, I LOVED her box. It was  plain brown cardboard, and instead of being sewn into the box, the doll was fastened in with elastic straps that had metal /plastic rods that slipped easily through holes. I hate all of those plastic rings and thread going thru the clothing. The plain brown box was not heavy either, thin cardboard. The dealer mailed her in a plain brown shipper like the Integrity sends their dolls in. For me, many times I feel like I'm overpaying for a doll because of the weight of all the cardboard on the boxes!

This doll is part of their 'basic' series, there is another basic in the same outfit with short hair I am thinking of getting. The basics usually wear a pajama outfit with no shoes. Momokos do not have as much articulation as say a Poppy parker- their hands cannot be turned at different angles, but what is appealing for me is the sweet, innocent teen-ager look- they appear to be anywhere from 12- 17 depending on their facemolds. She actually looks like the perfect daughter for To the Fair Poppy. Momoko dolls are also shorter- I would say about 10 inches high or 10 1/2 inches high. 
I will take more pics of her today after she is redressed. Already I have named her Cookie, as she is so sweet and loves to cook!
I worked on a whole slew of new cakes yesterday. I am mainly working on creating with what clay supplies I have and using them up. 
First up are the 'Rainbow' colored layer cakes- this one has 6 layers of colored cake- red, orange, yellow, green , blue, violet with white icing. The other one is a St. Patrick's day cake with shamrock cookie on top and three various shades of green cake with white frosting as well. 
I currently have made enough cakes to put them on Ebay auction as well as inj my Etsy shop - click on the Etsy shop box at the top of my blog and it will take you there. 
Layered cakes start at $15 and the Rainbow cake because of its many layers- is $16. I am also selling slices of the rainbow cake with small china plates at $8. All of my items are with free first class domestic shipping in the USA only. 
The St. Patrick's day cakes come with a unique Celtic designed doily but all of the cakes come with a doily and cake slice cut out for display. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Spain: I like your cakes. Nice kitchen. Congratulations on your new doll. Fabulous. Keep in touch
