
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Experimenting with stop Motion photography- & a New Video!

I have long been inspired by those that do stop motion photography with their dolls on YouTube videos. The above video is a 'test' video as I used some techniques of stop motion, taking a still frame, then moving the dolls limbs to simulate the movement of walking, pulling out a chair, sitting, and drinking from a cup. I have wanted to go into a new direction with my dolls and work, and have been toying with the photography aspect of how to make my collection really seem 'alive'.
One source of inspiration I never tire of reading of on her three blogs is Caroline McFarlane-Watts of Tall-Tales Productions ( a blog devoted to her own miniature sets and project of creating a miniature film using stop motion) as well as her other two blogs-
Hummingbird Miniatures which showcases some of her marvelous 1:12 scale foods and 
Pixiedust Miniatures which showcases her magical minis. Her links to the stop motion and miniature set world has inspired and intrigued me to do research on this fascinating industry. 
This led me to looking at links on Youtube with stop motion. I realize that I will have to practice a great deal- especially on the art of walking for a doll. My above video is somewhat clumsy but was fun to do.I have been attempting to figure out how I would do a scene and how much work would be involved in filming it. I am also looking at purchasing a movie camera, to make filming more easier. Right now, I am having fun with the experimentation of the project and hope I can do some more intricate scenes. For now, enjoy the video!

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