
Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Big Reveal...LaBelle's boutique & my Ebay store news...

I have finally got to a point where photos of my custom project 'LaBelle's  boutique have been able to be photographed and uploaded to Flicker. Right now I am still configuring a few details and planning the store displays for the rest of the year- like a real boutique would change their windows with the new fashion lines or seasons. 

As to my Ebay store Pumpkin Hill Studios I have put the store on vacation settings on hold until August 31st to catch up on commission work as well as working on my main website King William Miniatures After being in business with the large scale of Bespaq I am coming to an end of the remaining stock we have left in these scales. Therefore, configuring auctions - writing them, photographing damaged pieces, etc and then processing and shipping was taking alot of my time- away from commission work. Please sign up and check my blog King William Miniatures Blog (links to this and my other blog are to the left on the scroll menu) with lowered prices of what I have in stock and my contact info by EMAIL if you wish to order. I will be invoicing via Paypal so when you look at the blog and website pictures, email me with your name, email addy thru paypal and valid shipping address so I can configure your shipping costs. I will probably be putting the remaining damaged items on a fixed price basis with pictures on the blog and the website-(the website software takes a while for me to configure, ) so in depth photos will be on the King WIlliam Miniatures blog.  

The furniture has been my passion for about 7-8 years now, as has been my intense love of collecting fashion dolls and diorama builds. I honestly now do not know how I could get thru the day without tweaking, working on something for the dolls, it has become a passion and my mantra or raison d'etre if you will. The constant auctions and configuring of listing on Ebay has somewhat sapped my creativity and has given me a stagnant sense of being on a hamster wheel- that I would rather just devote more time to building and commissions as well. 

Since the items were made in the late 80's to the early 90's I have listed some of the smaller pieces on Etsy and am attempting to figure out how to list the larger items as soon as shipping can be configured- they are considered vintage now. So you may again, contact me with your order inquiry via email on the large scale Bespaq items I have remaining- and remember, my prices are EXTREMELY reasonable for these lovely pieces no longer manufactured - once they are gone, they are gone. 

Onto LaBelle's--- so here are the test photos of boutique furniture placement. The mirrors are by my colleague, Jim Coates Miniatures on Ebay (he also has designed large scale Bespaq and had it manufactured like me-) Still working on some details butit is coming along. ENjoy the photos!~Lisa

dolls- Fashion Royalty Natalia, Holly GoLightly Breakfast at Tiffany's, Silkstone Market Day, Agnes Von Weiss Concerto in M
Mannequins- Hairumku? I think that is how it is spelled- Mattel dressmaker dummies
Plants- Michael's
Stage, doors, window frames, overhang- Bespaq customized by me
chandelier- christmas ornament bashed with lighting by me
Mirrors- Jim Coates Miniatures on Ebay
Dresses on Mannequins & dress dummies- Front windows- Market day, Silkstone dress
Mego cher gown on Mannequin, Stage dummy -Dressmaker Details
White table on stage- prototype Bespaq square tea table

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Spain: awesome store. You created a boutique couture. Everything looks very nice and elegant. Congratulations, keep in touch
