
Friday, July 26, 2013

More on LaBelle's...

More photos of LaBelle's shopping in the boutique I took yesterday. I have been sidetracked from the dolls and my other work so I got these pics taken yesterday, just never have uploaded them. It has been crazy busy here! So enjoy!

As you can see, some of the Silkies have got into the act. Market day has wrapped a package up for Walking suit and Cocktail is just admiring another black dress!(she doesn't know it yet but she may be losing her lovely black gown for Joyful in Japan Poppy who has been eyeing it ) Romaine is still busy with the demands of Agnes and Natalia who are in a ballgown shopping frenzy. 
Hope to be planning the Fall and Halloween windows for LaBelle's soon. Stay tuned!


  1. Lisa, this is breathtaking! All of the little details make me want to sit and stare for hours. <3 Just lovely. (^_^)

    P.S. My dolls want to shop there. lol

  2. Thank you Cat! I am still configuring little details on it as I want to change the windows for the season. Right now I am working on the fall windows as well as Halloween/masquerade windows, really excited about this diorama.
