
Thursday, April 11, 2013

French Macaroons progress..

So I made alot of progress today on the French macaroons. Ever since seeing pics of them on google, and hearing so much about them, I have wanted to make them for my dolls. I also experimented with a bread and fruit tray in this last picture. I am so pleased that I have had so many positive responses on my breads and small foods.
So far have completed pink, rose pink, yellow and green. I think the greens have the best texture, will try to replicate that when I work on the chocolate and blue ones. 

Here Poppy, the consummate sales girl, is selling her delicious macaroons to Market Day silkstone. Why eat bread when you can those yummy oh so sinful macaroons?
Enjoy! Hoping to work on some boxes or packaging for the macaroons so I can get them up in Etsy!~Lisa

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