
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Was Mini Molly, now Mini Laura Ingalls...

Mini American girl doll Molly arrived, just in time to be customized into Mini Laura Ingalls! I purchased Mini Molly from a great Ebay seller Grandeagleretail  that came with free shipping. At this time I do not think he has any more mini Molly's left- it is an ebay book store. Mini Molly no matter how much I searched, was pretty pricey, more pricey than american girl and amazon. I got her with free shipping from this ebay retailer, and shipping was fast. Here is Mini Molly with her cute sweater and glasses-

Here she is as mini Laura Ingalls-


I have shown here Mini Kirsten- aka Mini Mary Ingalls with her braids let down so they are long. I will find some pink ribbon in my stash and tie on her blue ribbons, since Mary always wore blue, Laura wore pink or red. When I was originally creating Laura's dress, I was going to recreate the new dress Laura gets when Pa comes home, and takes everyone to the store and Mary and Laura get new cloth for new dresses- their Sunday best. I misread the passage describing the dress Laura had as a golden brown flannel...??? and mistakenly when I was doing shopping today, purchased brown fabric. (the fabrics were the quilt block scrap blocks from the craft section at Walmart- the gingham is perfect scale!!! they had several shades of gingham in this scale, red, black, pink, blue- all came home with me and they are tied with a cream ribbon- I was amazed.) The buttons came from a package from walmart, as well but were already in my stash, as was the burgundy red ribbon which matched the brown great.
Laura's apron is from another mini kirsten outfit that was a knockoff from that Hong Kong seller on ebay- I had the mini boots with it as well as the socks, but they are somewhere in my stash of fashion doll clothing. More than likely I will next purchase Mini Addy and turn her into a modern big sister for little Julian (S.I.S. Kid) and steal her outfit for mini Laura.

The sunbonnet was so easy to make! and fun. I will probably make one in pink gingham for mini Mary. I am currently attempting to figure out what scenes to replicate first since I have just these two. After seeing mini Laura in her dress and sunbonnet, it is easy for me to imagine her playing in the creek, letting her sunbonnet slide back off her head, and playing in the creek and walking to school with Mary. One scene in the book 'On the Banks of Plum Creek' I have wanted to recreate in scale is when they are sitting in the church at Christmas and Laura and Mary see a Christmas tree for the first sounds like such a magical time. Part of the fun for me is figuring out what props are needed and if I can make, create, them and so on. I would love to do a one room schoolhouse in this scale! The possibilities!

Hopefully soon, Pa Ingalls will soon be on his way home, I have found the doll that will play him as well. Enjoy the pictures!~Lisa


  1. You did a great job on Molly's transformation. I always enjoyed Little House on the Prairie, so I'm looking forward to seeing the family complete.

  2. Hello from Spain: when I was little I saw on the television "Little House on the Prairie '. It was a very successful series in my country. You did a great job of transforming your Molly in Laura ... We keep in touch.
    Merry Christmas

  3. thank you both! I have always been crazy about the little house books, ever since I was a kid. Even as an adult, and wanted to do two dolls as Mary and Laura. The great thing about Barbie is now I can do all of the families/characters mentioned!lol. Hoping to win 'Pa' Ingalls, or the doll I want to use as him, on Ebay.Merry Christmas everyone!
