
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Victorian Lady Barbie has arrived!

Well, yes she has finally arrived. I won this doll on Ebay back in November. There was a problem with Paypal's hiccup system of my payment processing. The seller was a gem and Paypal finally processed my payment. I've never had this happen before, but I guess there is always a first. Well, Victorian Lady Barbie arrived, and I love her. Here are some quick pics I took of her today. They do not do her justice.

One of my biggest problems is being 'enabled' by the doll shows and pictures of dolls I see on the doll boards- and being fascinated with that dress, and so on, only to find out it came on a Barbie from years ago- so onto Ebay shopping I go. I saw Victorian Lady barbie at the recent doll show in November with a bunch of others, but wondered if I could do better on price than I could at the show- she was going for about $15-20 at the doll show. I absolutely adore her dress.
 I think she looks wonderful in the Victorian style kitchen I have going on. She will be an upcoming character in a Victorian family for my historical diorama storyline I am currently collecting for, so stay tuned for this lady to have a prominent role. I have alot more dolls I have to collect for to assemble the 'families' in the storyline I am currently working on and writing for, so until I have all of the dolls to begin with, in place, I won't do the 'reveal' so to speak. I am hoping I will be able to get the main family of characters together by Christmas- that is my main hope, which amounts to about five dolls. More to come on that project in the works, but the Victorian kitchen is part of it.
Enjoy the pics!~Lisa

1 comment:

  1. Hello from Spain: I love your Victorian Lady Barbie. She is amazing. She is perfect for the Victorian kitchen. Keep in touch
