
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Nativity diorama Progress...part 2

Progress has continued on the Nativity diorama, and I have finished turning the vintage Todd doll I had into either a shepherd boy or little drummer boy. I thought he has turned out well. Part of the problem with Biblical clothing is if I keep to historical accurate, Todd would not be wearing very much. So I went with rough trousers /bloomers made of grey felt, and a blouse tied with cord that also ties his hood. He is barefoot. I haven't decided if I should make a drum or buy it- right now he looks quite adorable as a little shepherd boy, so this will call for more sheep.
More progress has also been made on the Stable/manger structure itself. I took a piece of pink builder's foam and roughly cut it to fit the side, then cut the arch into it. With grey and black coats of spray paint - it has that decrepit look of crumbling stone. I also have almost finished the front door, with its cardboard hinges, also made of cardboard. I have been meaning to sculpt a handle off putty/clay, but haven't had time. But the scene does look good with the little shepherd boy peeking thru the stable door to see what is going on inside.
The basket and pottery urn, and wooden bucket are items I had in my props- the urn is made by a miniature artisan Alex Mechiljohn- don't know if I spelled that correctly- and he only sells at shows. One of the other clay pots with decorative carving on it next the tall urn is from Handley House.

Here are some more shots of the exterior of the stable, I will need to re-do these pics but it shows the stonework carved into the builder's foam. I used those dollar tree clamp lights for the light shining down on Joseph & Mary, clamped into the roof of the structure and then aimed down at the dolls.

Enjoy! I have one more shepherd to work on his costume before I begin on the 3 kings and their costumes.


  1. Hello from Spain: the stable, cart ... it's all very real ... You're doing an awesome job ... Keep in touch

  2. Thank you Marta!This project has really mushroomed, hoping to finish one of the last shephereds this week, and begin the costumes on the kings/wise men

  3. I cannot think of a more worthy subject for a diorama!

    My wife and I used Joe and Barbie years ago to tell the Christmas story and the kids LOVED it.
