
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday morning in Barbietown...

I have felt so out of sorts after seeing the remarkable pics of the Barbie convention and those extrodinary sets the designers at Mattel were displaying. Forget the loot, OOAK raffle dolls, even the convention goodies- I would probably have forgone everything else to drool at those display and sulked because I would not be able to move the dolls around and play!lol...

So I consoled myself with Barbietown, which on a Sunday morning after church, what could be better? So a quick post...

Here are some more pictures of the French bed/apartment I am working on. I have decided that this would be an extravagant bedroom in Agnes Von Weiss' wondrous mansion, Maison de la Royale located in Provence, which is where Barbietown is located.

I did a marble floor, but the floor may have to be bigger for the scene..

Things between Vanessa and Romain have somewhat 'heated' up, and after partying all night with the chic of Paris, early Sunday morning they are progressing in their newfound attraction with one another. But back to the details....I used marble contact paper on a regular 20 x 30 foamcore sheet, but I do not think that will be palatial enough for the look. The Bespaq night table is from my collection and I love this Aubusson rug with the bed.
I had pulled out my old Barbie car I had as a kid which was bought with green stamps by my mom- back in the early 1970, when I was probably 5 or going on 6 years old. I had the camper later, but both it and the beach buggy were given away. (yeah, kicking myself)
Both Ryan and Bob Greene decided to refurbish and clean it up, with Buck's help- Buck's girlfriend Rosie is window shopping in Barbietown....

Rosie, is still drooling over that fab outfit just debuted in the boutique. (her style is somewhat out there and she loves matching clothes up to the color of her hair...)
Ryan decided to take the day off from McDonald's and let Ricky and Hannah handle things- he needs a day off to chill and think about Poppy, who he can't get off his mind...needs some time with his friends.

Meanwhile, the other inhabitants of Barbietown appear to be going about their regular day to day business, strolling along the sidewalks, shopping, going to the coffee shop (by the way, Michael's has these little easels for a $1 in their dollar bins- great for outside of shops, etc. and resemble menu boards)
I have some more ideas for expansion for Barbietown, so hopefully I can clean up the mess you aren't seeing and include Mickey's bake shop with more room for cars, etc. the Mattel pics of the convention really inspired me.Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Barbie town is a happenin' place! Very cool. And I can't wait to see what you do with your new inspiration! How fun!
