
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Doll room progress.......

Lots of progress this Sunday on the doll room, between working on my calendar for this week, packing orders, answering email, & trying to squeeze dolly build time in. I managed to get the Skipper bedroom moved to the top shelf where some of the dolls will be displayed, and make the roof of the dollhouse- Maison de la Royale, a roof terrace as it was intended to be. I have purchased some green felt you see in the foreground, and am toying with the idea of creating frontscapes of faux buildings so the dolls have a small village/street nearby to congregate with their cars, picnic table, etc. I would like more elaborate furniture for the roof terrace, so it resembles a pied a terre....
I also did some major re-arranging and cleanup of the dollhouse. the bottom room on the first floor next to the garage was originally supposed to be the kitchen- the problem- the Sinday kitchen furniture was too tall with a foamcore floor in there- at least the oven unit was! So I will be revamping this room and carefully looking for items to become a kitchen in a grand mansion- I've decided to stick to the original plan, which was the kitchen was not supposed to be homey but that would be where the maid, cook, butler, housekeeper I haven't really figured what dolls will be the butler, cook, etc. but I do know I will need to find the uniforms. Have always wanted the french maid silkie- she looks like the perfect maid.
The furniture that was stored in that bottom room I moved over to the shelf I was going to use for my schoolroom- which will have to wait. I am going to work on one or two rooms at a time- and I currently have the Japanese room and the McDonald's which need some work with the details. The new kitchen in the dollhouse mansion will have to wait.....when I order dollhouse tile for the mcDonald's I will probably double my order for the mansion's kitchen as well. One good thing is I was able to hang the chandelier in the dining room, I still need to find batteries for it as well as the jag. I have toyed with the idea of making what I want to be the kitchen an elegant office, may hold off on that. The roof terrace idea may be tossed and the office diorama may go ontop of the dollhouse, picnic table was by Warhammer Studios, and is made like a 'real' picnic table. I have not finished it because it is such a lovely made piece.
It is very satisfying to be able to get the details correct- I found the Hummel teaset still in its packaging and it looked perfect in front of Agnes, pouring tea. The new little dog I found is perfect on Luchia's lap, and the room looks like a Baroness's bedroom should look. This is why I need a maid doll, and a cook, a butler, and possibly a chauffuer as well. lol. May start looking for action figures soon to fill those spots.

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