This blog shows the progress of my 1:6 scale dollhouse, Maison de la Royale and the various projects I work on with my dolls and dollhouse collection.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Hinamatsuri Rement has arrived!
My Re-ment Hinamatsuri set has arrived! Squee! I found this set and had wanted and wanted it- especially to sell in the shop, but the distributor was wanting an idiot price wholesale- not really, since this set retails for $89-139 ON Ebay! However, I used The Find to price compare and found it at Katharines' Cottage a doll shop in California, for $69.95!!! This was one of my musts on my project doll list to do this year for celebrate Hinamatsuri or the Japanese Girls' Festival, or Doll Festival as they do in Japan. I have long lusted after soem of the Hina dolls on Ebay, and will probably slowly begin to collect them...I have some wonderful geishas from Japan that belonged to my wonderful mother in law, Mrs. Neault, and we treasure them here, especially my husband, who is used to dusting dolls & is interested inthe Hinamatsuri celebration as well. On the third day of the third month- March 3rd, girls in Japan celebrate this event. I amhoping to have kimonos made for Felicity, Rebecca, and my bjds Gracie & Dottie by that time. I have kimonos for the fashion dolls, so the set wll probably be set up in the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse when it comes home.
On another note, my A Doll A Day Project 2011is going very well. I have always wanted to do something like this. My most recent pic from yesterday is the little 8 inch Madame Alexander ballerina I received when I was six or seven, she was one of my favorites. My first dollhouse made by my dad was built on a scale 1 1/2 inch to the foot, using her as his 'scale' for the windows and doors, lol. I am still working on my project list , which includes cleaning out the display room.
Shown above is the room after I had moved alot of items out of the way, mostly boxes and shipping boxes dolls and minis have come in. The items on the floor are my habit of accumulating fabric & craft supplies, which I am going thru at this time. The large dollhouse on the table is a yard sale find, Strawberry Hill Manor, which houses my collection of reproduction of Dutch penny wooden dolls by the late Fred Laughon I collected. Not shown are teh shelves which house the roomboxes and the fashion dolls, or my Barbies. Today Iw ill be dragging out the boxes and reorganizing the layout of the room to make room for the dollhouse displays from the shop- since I am having to close my brick & mortar shop, King William Miniatures. (Don't worry, I will still be online!)
I haven't yet taken out the Rement out of its box, but took pics of the Emporer & Empress, they are so detailed. Forgive my blurry pics!
On another note, please follow my blog- I am planning in the upcoming months to do some work on the one sixth scale dollhouse - finish the kitchen and the garage, which will be Ken's mancave. I am excited about the new Jason Wu dolls, so there will be more characters coming to the dollhouse!
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