
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dixie & the tinies settle in....

Dixie silently typing on her laptop,,,

Type type type....
(Dixie hears something, turns around...)

Oh my, didn't you give me a start! Hello there! What? Oh yes, Miss Lisa has me hooked on Research you know- soon the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse, the diva's dollhouse, will be coming home from the shop soon, so I have to know what type of dolls I will be dealing startled me! But this house is pretty old. I'm not crazy about my office- it will be redecorated soon...
Well, I guess I should catch you up on how we tinies here are settling in at Strawberry Hill Manor. Pretty good, if I do say so myself. My office is going to be repainted and Miss Lisa brought home an unfinished bookshelf- it's behind me- and my office will be done in modern, painted white. I will order my computer desk when Minuette decides what kind of stove & sink she wants in the kitchen. As for settling in...
everyone kind of has their own routine now.

Maizie helps in the kitchen...
She's really great at making pies! My favorite is being made right now- banana cream pie! Maizie is one cool doll.
We also got a new dining room set, which looks much more nicer with the pretty wallpaper, and brighter...

We all had dinner last night on the new dining room, with the new Rement coffee cups that had arrived. It was a treat! Last night it was baked ham...Minuette, Maizie & I talked about the preparations for the new tiny who will be here in a few months...

Minuette takes care of our mail, and general tidying of the house, which isn't easy-- since this is such a big house! Today she received a package from  Sparrow Post Va.  (we have our own version of Sparrow Post down here in the South- pretty fast since the birds are always migrating south, we get our mail quickly.)

And me, I'm settling in as well.

My office is really coming along. Hopefully I will have some lamps in here as well so I can do my work.

Wow, it's good to stretch. I've been working most of the day to update the blog,. Hope you enjoy the pics of us settling in!
~Dixie the Brownie

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