
Monday, November 15, 2010

See the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse in our Shop Window!

As many of you know, I own a shop, called King William Miniatures & Collectibles. Most of the lovely large scale Bespaq you see, I sell from my shop. This year, for the shop window, and an annual event called Holly Jolly Christmas which all of the Lakeside Avenue businesses participate in- we decided our theme would be- "Opening the Presents on Christmas Morning". Two porcelain dolls, 24 inches high, have just woke up and are looking at all of the wonderful presents under the tree, with their dog, and exclaiming over their HUGE dollhouse- which is the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse. Here are some of the pics for your enjoyment!
Full window, with our sign

Our neighbor, Feathernester's did the North Pole
for their window

Closeup of the little girl exclaiming over the dollhouse!

I hope you enjoyed the pics!~Lisa

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