
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse!

From all of us here at the One Sixth Scale dollhouse- Have a Very Safe & Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving 2010

Sincerely, ~Lisa

Monday, November 15, 2010

See the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse in our Shop Window!

As many of you know, I own a shop, called King William Miniatures & Collectibles. Most of the lovely large scale Bespaq you see, I sell from my shop. This year, for the shop window, and an annual event called Holly Jolly Christmas which all of the Lakeside Avenue businesses participate in- we decided our theme would be- "Opening the Presents on Christmas Morning". Two porcelain dolls, 24 inches high, have just woke up and are looking at all of the wonderful presents under the tree, with their dog, and exclaiming over their HUGE dollhouse- which is the One Sixth Scale Dollhouse. Here are some of the pics for your enjoyment!
Full window, with our sign

Our neighbor, Feathernester's did the North Pole
for their window

Closeup of the little girl exclaiming over the dollhouse!

I hope you enjoyed the pics!~Lisa

Sunday, November 14, 2010

More Mickey Mouse Re-ment has arrived!

Well, I acquired some more Disney Re-ment. The tiny cups with Donald Duck, Mickey & Minnie Mouse aren't the only little pieces
of Disney Re-ment that arrived the other day. I love the Mickey cup, it looks so adorable with Minuette holding it. I haven't yet taken pics of
the other - it is a set of graduated cake or cupcake plates on stands. The cups were part of Rement broken up, I thought they would be cute on the bakery rack.
I hope to have some more pics of the sweet shop soon- I snapped these yesterday since I finally found some time to play with the tinies. Minuette has acquired help - two Madame Alexander McDonald dolls dressed as Minnie Mouse with the little ear hats! I found them at the recent doll show a couple of weeks ago here in Richmond.
All for now- Lisa

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Tinies set up the Sweet shop...

Well, the tinies after attaining their lease where they have to pay in Candy! decided to rummage through the Re-ment and set up shop today. Minuette is the head honcho since her 'cousin' from Florida (hmm, wonder who that could be?) is backing her. She is carrying their brand in the shop, and is currently planning everyone's uniforms, which must be pink or red.
I had some wonderful mad hatter's tea items I had bought for the Alice diorama I am still collecting for, which looked great on the bakery shelf. I have some more Disney rement items coming as well. The Cheshire cat is from one of those quarter machines you put money in at BJ's...I have had him for a while. Now I need to go through my Fun Meals and Mini Sweets sets and put some doughnutsin the case, and dust...the tinies hate to clean.
I will be doing some more work on this little structure, I never finished the base part, it needs alot of touchup work. I plan to keep the wallpaper I have for it because it looks so soft and like candy. Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The tiny BJD's buy real estate...

So my tiny bjd's have decided a neglected project of mine, a 1:12 scale Houseworks shop, would make a great 'candy' store, seeing as we are collecting all of this adorable Re-ment. I told them to write their business plan, and present it to the realtor, who would meet them there at the property. But first they decided to inspect it without the realtor there.

They all inspected the shop- it even has an old mailbox!

Dixie looked into the dusty dirty windows....

"What do you think Minuette??"

And then they pondered whether the location would bring in the most customers. They also did not like the color,but decided to save money and go with it, and do a combination pastry & candy shop....
Then the realtor appeared, much to their suprise.....

The for sale signs had been placed in the windows, so now they were just waiting for their realtor to arrive.

They were a little surprised that it was the Mad Hatter, with a
briefcase, & the key. They were not exactly pleased, but the hatter explained that he was a new apprentice,
and helping out the realtor for Mini Properties Inc. Evidently since the economy is bad, this little shop is top of the list to be sold. The tinies were pleased, they might be getting a bargain!

The hatter sat down and explained the terms of the lease if they wishedto rent. The tinies wanted to 'rent to own' ...I think they have been watching too many commercials on tv...but the  hatter was agreeable to that. He quite logically, asked how they would pay...and was surprised to be told in candy, of course. He did ask for a co-signer, which Minuette was ready for, her 'cousin' Mickey, who is wintering in Florida, would send the necessary backup candy capitol to their firm. So the Hatter gave Minuette the key, since she would be the primary partner/owner.

Minuette & Dixie & Maizey received the key, and then waved good-bye to Tarrant, the Mad Hatter Realtor.

Good-bye! & THANK YOU!

I can hardly believe now all we have to do is open! said Minuette
Maizey is still reeling from their huge business deal. "and cleaning the shop and repairing it! Look at all the dust!"
"We'll do it together! This will be the best candy pastry shop in the tiny town.!" said Dixie.
"You bet it will be! Let's go inside and plan what we need to do!" said Minuette excitedly.

Stay tuned for more tiny bjd candy shop stories!

~Lisa Behind the camera