
Sunday, December 21, 2008

4 Days until Christmas!

I haven't had much time lately to do much in the way of working as much as I would like on the dollhouse...except finish the priming on the third floor, which will be the bath and the bedroom. I have been doing some sketching, and thinking of making a wall out of foamcore and do furniture placement, to see how much room I have to work with. The dais for the tub is already cut and sanded of mdf, so I could possibly begin to tile the floor in the bath and glue the dais down after it is tiled, but don't want to jump ahead of myself. I have made some more pillows for the Bespaq bed, and Vanessa won't give it up. lol.

Working on this house I finished the 2nd coat of priming on one of those beautiful days where the weather was simply balmy and breezey- 60 degrees, though the humidity was high. Since the weather has been bad, too cold to paint outside, I have had time to figure out some of the placement for the furniture, and especially the wallpaper and wall treatments for the bedroom- I'm still torn. I want it to look like an extremely elegant muralled Versailles- palatial type bedroom, of the kind you would find tucked away in those elegant French country manor homes. I have found a beautiful artists paper that matches the color of the linens and bedding, now it is just the murals and molding trims I have to match up.

I am hoping during the next two weeks to be able to move the dollhouse into the smaller garage office/studio, which we plan to be flipping into a full function office for my husband, so this will hopefully have a permanent safe dry environment for me to work on it comfortably, and my overwhelming collection of 1/6 Bespaq can be beautifully displayed with my dolls. I am beginning to lean more towards the Fashion Royalty dolls and away from Silkstones, even though I very much want the French Maid silky to wait on my FR gals. I'm impatiently waiting for my Moods collection, and underneath the tree is a beautiful Blue Soiree silky that my husband purchased for me, waiting to be unwrapped and invited by Agnes to the Manor for a visit. (Probably to steal that dress!) I have rejoined the W club again, so the next club doll Luchia and also Cruisin Control Vanessa will be added to our little family. We really need a man in the house other than Ken. I have included some pics of one of the greyhound statues in front of my house with bows on, Agnes posing with the new Bespaq desk I have on my website & Ebay store,and also one of the finished job on the bedroom/bath, and of Agnes decorating the fireplace mantel for Christmas. I may keep this up until I get the house finished- my target is to have it somewhat finished for next Christmas!

Enjoy the pics I have up. And have a Merry Christmas!


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